Presented by: Tom Scanlon Bord Iascaigh Mhara
EFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 28Support for innovation in fisheries Commodity focus - limited value adding. Lack of joined-up R&D. Exploit the medicinal properties of seafood products Development of marine/seafood based nutraceuticals Development of new processing technologies Proximity to rich fishing grounds. 29Advisory Services Marketing skills & limited "in market" resources. Lack of organisational route to market Time/Distance to market. Fragmentation and lack of scale in sector. Family ownership structures not "investment ready". Failure to scale up sustainably. Limited capacity of SMEs to attract graduates. Impacts of climate change. Seafood product safety failures.
EFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 69 Production & Marketing Plans CMO and new role for Producer Organisations in production and marketing plans 71Supports for Marketing Measures New Joint Venture Companies being formed. "Blue-Green" Seafood raw material brand provenance. Strong promotional network provided by Bord Bia. Lack of raw material: farmed and wild Commodity focus - limited value adding. Marketing skills & limited "in market" resources. Lack of organisational route to market Time/Distance to market. Significant employment potential Significant export potential Increase domestic consumption. Exploit the medicinal properties of seafood products Development of marine/seafood based nutraceuticals New markets in key seafood categories. Market potential in Asia. Development of new processing technologies Competitiveness in organic salmon sector. Marketing skills & limited "in market" resources. Cheaper costs associated with 3rd countries
EFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 72 Processing of Fishery and Aquaculture Products Sector scaling-up New product development supports from BIM Seafood Development Centre. Commodity focus - limited value adding. Lack of joined-up R&D. Time/Distance to market. Fragmentation and lack of scale in sector. Significant employment potential Significant export potential Build up scale and efficiency Exploit the medicinal properties of seafood products Development of marine/seafood based nutraceuticals New markets in key seafood categories. Increased raw material supply from off-shore aquaculture sites Development of new processing technologies Development of strategic alliances with external route to market partners. Promotion of Green Seafood programmes Strong private investment from bigger companies. Government commitment & support. Pioneer in organic production.
EFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 32(1) of CPRFinancial Instruments Use of Financial Instruments to leverage Resources Access to finance for small to micro SME’s. Continued recession in EU.