Committee Report Senate Academic Affairs Committee (SAAC) September 8, 2015 Latasha Wade, Pharm.D. School of Pharmacy and Health Professions 1
Submission Timeline for AY Receipt of Documents by SAAC Window for SAAC to Review Program Documents SAAC Meeting and Determination of Recommendation Senate MeetingLetter of Intent Due to Provost Office *** Letter of Intent to USM Full proposal to Provost Office 60 Days before BOR (window opens) Window for electronic submission of program proposals to MHEC** and USM Deadline to accommodate EPSLC mailing EPSLC Meeting Scheduled BOR Meeting Scheduled Not applicable 8/13/20158/13/15-9/10/159/10/1509/22/1510/9/15 9/8/159/11/159/25/1510/2/1510/15/1510/15/ /05/1511/05/1511/17/1512/11/15 9/7 – 10/2/1510/5/1510/13/1510/16/1510/30/1511/20/1512/15/1512/15/ /29/1512/29/1501/12/1602/12/16 10/2/1510/5 – 10/30/1511/2/1511/10/1511/16/1512/4/151/15/1602/16/1602/16/ /26/1602/26/1603/08/1604/15/16 10/30/1511/2-11/27/1511/30/1512/8/1512/4/1512/18/151/15/1602/16/1602/16/ /26/1602/26/1603/08/1604/15/16 12/18/1512/23/15 -1/29/162/1/162/9/162/15/162/29/164/1/1604/19/1604/19/ /29/1604/29/1605/10/1606/17/16 1/29/162/1 - 2/26/162/29/163/8/163/4/163/18/164/1/1604/19/1604/19/ /29/1604/29/1605/10/1606/17/16 2/26/162/29 - 4/1/164/4/164/12/16 Proposals will be submitted when the AY submission schedule is determined and the submission window opens. 4/1/164/4 – 4/29/165/2/165/10/216* Submission Timeline currently posted to Division of Academic Affairs website.
Curriculum Changes Curriculum Changes Course Changes Only Use Course Action e-form –Additions –Modifications –Eliminations HawkWeb → Faculty Center → View Faculty eForms New Programs or Substantial Modifications Continue to use existing paper process Feasibility of developing an automated process to be examined in the future 4
Overview of Curriculum and Course Proposals Course changes: –(7) from Agriculture, Food, and Resource Sciences –(1) from Criminal Justice –(1) from Education –(6) from English and Modern Languages –(6) from Honors –(8) from Math and Computer Science* –(20) from Technology 5 *Additional curriculum changes awaiting review by the General Education Committee and the Graduate Council.
Review of Curriculum Change Proposals 6
Agriculture, Food, and Resource Sciences Proposals Proposal documents received by SAAC June 2015 –Reviewed August 31 st –Committee voted electronically on September 1 st and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Convert temporary course numbers to permanent numbers ANPT 188B to ANPT 108 ANPT 188A to ANPT 110 ANPT 388A to ANPT 210 ANPT 388B to ANPT 220 ANPT 488B to ANPT 320 –Create new courses ANPT 301 – Introduction to Veterinary Clinical Hematology and Clinical Chemistry ANPT 410 – Anesthesiology and Post-Operative Care 7
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of Agriculture, Food, and Resource Sciences 8
Criminal Justice Proposals Proposal documents received by SAAC on May 7, 2015 –Reviewed August 31 st –Committee voted electronically on September 1 st and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Change MCCJ 734 (Directed Individual Study) from 1-3 credits in the spring only to 1-3 credits in the fall and spring (course can be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits) 9
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of Criminal Justice 10
Education Proposals Proposal documents received by SAAC on May 7, 2015 –Reviewed August 31 st –Committee voted electronically on September 1 st and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Create new course SPED 698 (Independent Study in Special Education); 1-6 credit hours 11
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of Education 12
English and Modern Languages Proposals Proposal documents received by SAAC on June 4, 2015 –Reviewed August 31 st –Committee voted electronically on September 1 st and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Change course number and update catalog description for 6 courses to better align with community college offerings ENGL 301 to ENGL 219 – American Literature I ENGL 302 to ENGL 220 – American Literature II ENGL 321 to ENGL 223 – English Literature I ENGL 322 to ENGL 224 – English Literature II ENGL 328 to ENGL 226 – World Literature I ENGL 329 to ENGL 227 – World Literature II 13
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of English and Modern Languages 14
Honors Proposals Proposal documents received by SAAC on March 6, 2015 –Reviewed March 10 th -April 1 st –SAAC requested a meeting with the Director of the Honors Program to obtain clarity on the proposal –Committee voted on May 11 th and approved proposal Overview of course changes –Change GNST 188H to permanent number HONR 101 –Create (3) new courses HONR 201 – Honors Sophomore Seminar (3 credits) HONR 301 – Honors Junior Seminar (3 credits) HONR 496 – Senior Honors Thesis/Capstone Project (1-4 credits; can be repeated for up to 9 credits) 15
Honors Proposals cont. Overview of course changes –Create new Honors Program of Study Completion of at least 24 hours of Honors coursework o HONR 101 – Honors Freshman Seminar (3 credits) o HONR 201 – Honors Sophomore Seminar (3credits); or o HONR 301 – Honors Junior Seminar (3 credits) o HONR 496 – Senior Honors Thesis/Capstone Project (3-9 credits) o Major department honors courses (6 credits) –Update catalog description for Honors Program 16
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Honors Program 17
Mathematics and Computer Science Proposal Proposal documents received by SAAC on March 12, 2015 –Reviewed August 31 st –Committee voted electronically on September 1 st and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Update catalog description for computer science business focus business electives Replace MKTG 310, FINA 441, BUAD 303, and BUAD 412 with BUAD 304, BUAD 313, and BUAD 430 –Create new courses (all 3-credit courses) MATH 219 – Sampling Techniques and Survey Research Methods MATH 319 – Bayesian Inferences and Risk Analysis MATH 330 – Foundations of Mathematics II MATH 333 – Computational Statistics and Computer Packages MATH 419 – Multivariate Statistics 18
Mathematics and Computer Science Proposal cont. Overview of course changes –Create new minor in Applied Statistics 21 credit hours Courses include: o MATH 210 o MATH 219 o MATH 309 o MATH 310 or MATH 360 o MATH 319 o MATH 333 o MATH 419 –Update catalog description for minor programs in department 19
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 20
Technology Proposals – Career and Technology Education (BMI) Proposal documents received by SAAC on March 12, 2015 –Reviewed August 31 st –Committee voted electronically on September 1 st and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Create new courses (all 3-credit courses) EDTE 380 Hybrid- Universal Design for Learning in Career and Technology Education EDTE 381 Hybrid – Managing Effective Career and Technology Education Classrooms EDTE 465 Hybrid – Instructional Analysis and Curriculum Development in Work-Based Learning 21
Technology Proposals – Construction Management Technology Proposal documents received by SAAC on March 12, 2015 –Reviewed August 31 st – September 2 nd –Committee voted electronically on September 2 nd and approved all requested changes Overview of course changes –Remove (8) courses from concentration; courses will still be used in other concentrations/programs within the department CMTE 313 CMTE 314 CMTE 315 CMTE 316 CMTE 317 CMTE 413 CMTE 414 CMTE
Technology Proposals – Construction Management Technology cont. Overview of course changes –Create (8) new courses and add to concentration CMTE 319 – Statics and Strengths of Materials CMTE 320 – Building Structures CMTE 321 – BIM Technology for Construction Management I CMTE 322 – BIM Technology for Construction Management II CMTE 326 – Mechanical and Electrical Building Systems CMTE 427 – Soils and Site Development CMTE 440 – Construction Safety Management CMTE 450 – Green Building II −Update catalog description of concentration 23
Motion to Approve, Discussion, and Vote Course change proposals from the Department of Technology 24
Thank You! 25