D epartment of Transportation Metro Transit Division Rideshare Operations Syd Pawlowski, Supervisor “metropool – Nation’s First EV Vanpool” NAFA Green Fleet March 13, 2013
Rideshare Operations Commuter Van ProgramCommuter Van Program VanPool, VanShare and metropool (EV) VanPool, VanShare and metropool (EV) 1,283 Vans in revenue service - 4% increase1,283 Vans in revenue service - 4% increase 3,450,656 passenger trips – 11% increase3,450,656 passenger trips – 11% increase 20,000 metric tons CO2 reduced20,000 metric tons CO2 reduced 50M vehicle miles travelled eliminated50M vehicle miles travelled eliminated
Why Electric Vehicles
Test 100% EV in urban commuter setting!Test 100% EV in urban commuter setting! Is the EV economical to maintain ?Is the EV economical to maintain ? Will our commuters benefit ?Will our commuters benefit ?
( 2) Children’s Hospital( 2) Children’s Hospital (7) Microsoft(7) Microsoft (2) Amazon(2) Amazon (2) Amgen(2) Amgen (2) Zymogenetics(2) Zymogenetics (1) Fairmont Olympic Hotel(1) Fairmont Olympic Hotel (1) City of Bellevue(1) City of Bellevue (1) Federal Center South(1) Federal Center South (1) Seattle Housing Authority(1) Seattle Housing Authority (1) Fauntleroy(1) Fauntleroy
5 Pass MinivanLEAFAnnual LEAF Numbers VANPOOL (For groups now in EVs) Average Riders Per Van5.00 Van Miles Traveled12, ,200 Total Prior Mode VMT (a) 40, ,573 Vanpool VMT12, ,200 Monthly VMT Reduced27, ,373 Prior Mode - Monthly Gas Consumption (Gallons) (a) 1,971 23,656 Vanpool Monthly Gas Consumption (Gallons) (b) Gallons Gas Saved Monthly1,1871,971 23,656 Prior Mode - CO2 Monthly Vanpool - CO2 Monthly700 CO 2 reduced monthly (Metric Tons) (c) GHG reduced monthly (Metric Tons) (d) CO 2 reduced (pounds) (e) 23,34738, ,192 GHG reduced (pounds) (e) 23,89739, ,143 Liters of CO 2 reduced (f) 5,393,1768,954, ,459,352 Based on 20 LEAFs and an average 30 RTM and average 21 workdays/month a Daily light duty vehicle trips per average person recruited - before joining commuter van = (based on 2010 commuter van entry survey data King County Metro) b Fuel economy light duty vehicles 20.4 mpg; fuel economy vans for 2012 is through October (KC Metro - RO M5 fuel consumption summary/Metro Transit TSS reports). Light duty vehicles see: c Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted per gallon of gasoline burned is metric tons ( ). Pounds per metric ton are d To convert CO 2 to GHG emissions (CO 2 e) applied the ratio of carbon dioxide emissions to total GHG emissions, all expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents. For passenger vehicles ratio = ( e To convert metric tons to pounds, multiplied by f Liters of CO2 gas/pound of CO2 emitted = (454 grams/pound)*(1 mole/44 grams CO2)*(22.4 Liters of CO2 gas/mole) = 231 Liters/pound CO2
Net Present Value for $2010 at 7% Discount Rate 7 Yr TotalMonthly Difference in Capital Costs $ 11,165 $ Difference in Electricity vs. Gas $ (13,902) $ (165.50) Savings $ (2,737) $ (33) Average Life Cycle Cost7 Yr TotalMonthly LEAF $ 31,886 $ Dodge $ 40,880 $ Savings $ (8,994) $ (107.07) Ownership CPM Annual Avg. LEAF $ 0.44 Dodge $ 0.57 Savings $ (0.12)
User Survey: 45 % response rate = 43 out of 95 drivers and riders.45 % response rate = 43 out of 95 drivers and riders. 92% “Satisfied”92% “Satisfied” 49% "Very Satisfied".49% "Very Satisfied". Majority charging daily at Level 2 charging stations at work.Majority charging daily at Level 2 charging stations at work. 50% charging on common household outlet at home as a secondary method.50% charging on common household outlet at home as a secondary method.
20 requests for metropool20 requests for metropool –6 gained ridership and removed 14 now on waiting list14 now on waiting list –7 Microsoft –3 Amazon –5 Group Health, Asian Counseling & Referral, F5 Networks and Veterans Affairs Why?Why? –Efficiency –Technology –Eco-friendly –Smaller vehicle
metropool fare reduced by 4%metropool fare reduced by 4% –April 1 st Commuter Van Fare Increase 92% satisfaction rate92% satisfaction rate 14 groups on waiting list14 groups on waiting list Nissan Leaf price drop to $32,500Nissan Leaf price drop to $32,500 Saving additional 1,000 gallons gas monthlySaving additional 1,000 gallons gas monthly Almost double GHG reductionsAlmost double GHG reductions What would you do? What would you do?
Department of Transportation Metro Transit Division Rideshare Operations