BIM 4 Movement & Learning
Remember Have you turned in p.5 of FE packet? (principal/teacher signatures) FE 2 write-ups should be posted on BlackBoard
4 Basic Principles of CL Review P I E S How is teamwork different than group work?
A mystery of why tQt0S0Oshttp:// tQt0S0Os cg&feature=relatedhttp:// cg&feature=related
Reading Guides Rally Robin with your shoulder partner to compare your answers. Add to or change your answers using a color of pen that is different than the original. Refer to the text for clarification.
Quiz-Quiz-Trade Using BIM 4 Reading Guide Stand up – Hand up – Pair up Partner A quizzes Partner B Partner B answers Partner A praises or coaches Partners switch roles Partners (trade cards and) thank each other. Repeat!
Check for Understanding: What can influence gene expression, improve learning, memory and motivation? (p.63) The part of the brain associated with motor control and learning (p.61) What effect does physical activity have on the brain? What did Dwyer’s research show? (p.63) What is the best time of day for recess/breaks? (p.67)
Single Write Round Robin Cross Lateral Person with the most colors on becomes the leader and gets a piece of paper. Leader writes team name at top of paper and passes paper clockwise Next team member writes name of one cross-lateral experience and passes the paper clockwise Group tries the experience Continue procedure until team is out of new ideas to add to list. Choose a couple you would like to model for the class. Keep list in your team’s folder.
Get Moving in the Classroom! With your team, create a 20 second commercial adapted from television to advertise your practical suggestion Practical suggestions are on pages of your text Red – Goal setting on the move Orange – Phys Ed & Recess Yellow – Energizers Green – Quick games Blue – Cross laterals Purple – Stretching Pink- Drama and Role-plays
With your team... Read the handout from Learning Smarter All Write Round Robin ▫Every team member gets a piece of paper and writes some main points about the reading ▫Every team member shares one point about the reading while team members add to or modify their list One Stays and Others Stray
Closure On a note card please explain how movement is linked to learning. How will this impact the way you teach and manage your classroom?
For next week: Tues. Feb 28 – Team Lesson 1 --BIM 5 Rdg Guide due --FE3 Due before class Thurs. March 1 – Team Lesson 1