Is located in the ex BIM 3 (Batallón de Infantería de Marina Número 3), is a large campus, that also includes Psicology Faculty. It has a lot of green spaces, plenty of rooms and a buffet in every faculty.
From our personal experience, it was a bit difficult to catch up with all the schedules, the whole material that we have to read for the different subjects and the university life but it’s also a good experience because you learn a lot about many things, not only the academic side but also life in general.
La Plata City. La Plata was planned and developed to serve as the provincial capital after the city of Buenos Aires was federalized in The most important tourist sites are located in the heart of the city's founding, between Streets 51 and 53, being the center of the city's Plaza Moreno. The square separates two great works of the city: the Metropolitan Cathedral of La Plata "Immaculate Conception" and the Palacio Municipal. It is characterized because of its streets are numerated and its diagonals. There is a special bus that transports students from the centre of the city to every university.