  Use of words, phrases, symbols, and ideas in such a way as to create mental images for the reader Figurative Language.


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Presentation transcript:

  Use of words, phrases, symbols, and ideas in such a way as to create mental images for the reader Figurative Language

  The dictionary definition of a word  Example: Ornery- stubborn (adj.) Sal was acting ornery and did not want to leave Bybanks. Denotation

  the emotions that are felt when you hear or see a word, second definition  Example: Word- Test Connotation (Emotions) for word- Anxiety, Fear Connotation

  using sensory (five senses) words to create a mental picture.  Example: The blackberry cobbler bubbled in the oven. Imagery

  a repeating of the same sound at the beginning of words  Example: Sally sells sausage on Sunday. Alliteration

  an object or idea that represents a feeling or emotion  Example: A Four Leaf Clover symbolizes good luck. Symbol

  exaggerated statement  Example: His growling stomach could be heard miles away. Hyperbole

  comparing two things using the words like or as.  Example: The baby’s laugh is like flowers blooming in the spring. Simile

  comparing two things without using the words like or as.  Example: A baby’s cry is a thundercloud ruining a perfect day. Metaphor

  words that sound like what they mean  Example: Boom! The car crashed into the wall. Onomatopoeia

  giving non- living things human characteristics  Example: The stubborn pen refused to write, so I bit it angrily and the pen’s ink attacked my face! Personification

  A poem’s paragraph Stanza