After Action Review and Recommendations
Feedback Issues & Recommendations –Communication and Training –Content and Navigation –508 Compatibility –eAuthentication –Deployment Future Rollout Planning –Mandatory Training Project Planning Package –Training Implementation Milestones CSAT FY09 Rollout Planning
Assignments preceded announcement Deployment of media assignment NIST/OMB requirements not communicated No opportunity to evaluate courses
No training assigned until after memo released to public Agencies must identify those requiring alternate delivery Agency should pilot test and evaluate all content submitted to AgLearn for deployment All learners complete survey at completion to provide feedback
Too difficult for non-IT audience Navigation confusing and inconsistent Confusion regarding completion created duplicate assignments Incorrect statements reported in content
Pilot testers complete the course in its entirety, then complete evaluation report on navigation and content and submit to Team AgLearn prior to publication Pilot testers consider communications as part of deployment process. s, job aids, Read Me First
Pages of each course failed internal 508 testing Compatibility differed depending on configuration
All courses use JAWS screen reader compatible with USDA standard workstation configuration Pilot testers include representatives from the Target Center, agency 508 coordinators and Agency Help Desks
Users frustrated at lengthy response time from eAuthentication Help Desk
Agencies should encorage AgLearn admins to receive training and security clearance needed to assist with eAuthentication Deputized admins listed on AgLearn welcome page for easy contact eAuthentication communication regarding how to verify your password
Delivery type defined based on FY07 data CD ROM required modification of player Policy for deployment of CD ROM and paper defined after training was announced Paper delivery was expensive and inefficient
CD ROM / Paper access identified early Plans for distribution submitted and vetted prior to deployment Pilot testing includes alternative media Consider alternative deployment for paper based versions Pilot test and evaluation report distributed as part of the Mandatory Training Project Planning Package
Develop a Project Plan with detailed tasks and deadlines for which team members will held accountable for completing. Develop a communication plan that identifies timetable for communicating with all appropriate parties. Include agency pilot testers as a critical element of all planning. Testers must evaluate ease of access and launch, navigation, accuracy of content, 508 compatibility, and validation of completion. Each tester must complete a Pilot Test Evaluation Report and confirm if the course is acceptable for deployment or if modifications must be made, including selecting an alternative course for deployment.
Planning Session – 4-5 months prior Kick Off Meeting – 4.5 months prior Communication Plan submitted – 2.5 months prior Tech Assessment –3.5months prior 508 Compliance – 3.0 months prior Pilot testing – 3.0 months prior Revisions – 2.5 months prior Job Aids Performance Support – 2 month prior Feedback Survey – 1 month prior Communication Announcements – 1 month prior Assignment to Learning Plan – 1 week prior Go live After Action Review – 1 month post Go-Live
Pilot testing of alternative courses Does course meet NIST requirements? Is content accurate and easy to understand? Is knowledge tested? Is navigation and completion intuitive? SCORM conformant? 508 compliant?
Plan early! Notify TeamAgLearn as soon as possible about a proposed Go-Live date (ATS Ticket) Identify members of your project planning team (communication, deployment, etc) Gather volunteers for pilot testers