2011 Fall Portfolios: AP Language Your Portfolios are a culmination of all your hard work this semester. You should be proud of your investment in this class. A portfolio allows you to visualize all you completed during a course. Organize all the required elements in a professional manner, so you can show off your work!
Literature Section Life of Pi Summer Work Life of Pi Test “Every Dictator’s Nightmare” Questions 1-9 Crucible Study Guide Crucible Exam Literary Terms List and Project Instructions Literary Terms Quiz Dialectical Notebook: “Superman and Me”
Literature Section Cont... Hunger Games Packet Hunger Games Test Into the Wild Packet Into the Wild Journals Into the Wild Test (Scantron: I have this) “Dumpster Diving” Handout
Vocabulary Section Vocabulary Master List Vocabulary Quizzes #1-8 Into the Wild Vocabulary
Essay Section Timed Write #1: Humor/Satire Essay #1: Introductory Writing Timed Write #2: “On Compassion” Timed Write #3: “Every Dictator’s Nighmare” Timed Write #4: Into the Wild Reflections Entry: (If Literature) Outside Novel Stamp Sheet Outside Novel Reviews
Language Skill Builders Skill One: Appositives Skill Two: Participials Skill Three: Absolutes Skill Four: Prepositions Language Skill Builder Test (Skills 1-4) Skill Five: Adjective Clauses
Quotebooks 1-15 – Number each entry Check for ◦ Quote ◦ Interpretation ◦ Connection
Front of Binder A copy of the course syllabus (online if needed) ◦ This is not the Course Information Packet
CRITERIA25 POINTS20 POINTS10 POINT0 POINTS Organization :is evident. All requirements are in order and easy to find. is lacking in some areas. Some requirements are out of order. is barely evident. Many requirements are out of order. is not evident. Required elements:are all present.are mostly presentare lacking in many areas. are almost all missing Timeliness: Portfolio was turned in on time.brought on the due date but not turned in when called. turned in one day late.turned in two days late. Professional Quality: Appearance, quality of written work, headings... Portfolio appears professional and has a finished feel. fairly professional.to be fairly professional, quality lacks in some areas. does not appear professional. Total: ______________ Scoring Sheet for Portfolios Vogel: English III/IV