Sustainability What’s it all about? Humans have destroyed more than 30 per cent of the natural world since 1970 with serious depletion of the forest, freshwater and marine systems on which life depends. Guardian 10 February 1998
Sustainability b We all use the Earth’s resources in our daily lives, but these cannot last forever and cannot be repalced. Oil will run out (no plastics or fuels), trees are being cut down faster than they can grow, metals are being used at such a rate that some are becoming scarce. b What can you do to help?
Sustainability b b What is Sustainable Timber? Sustainable timber means that the tree harvested will be replaced by another tree, whether naturally grown or planted. Extraction is compensated for, unlike in the case of most other materials.
Sustainability b Most hardwoods come from the rainforests. Industrial society has tended to see forests as free sources of valuable materials or as needless woods, occupying land and getting 'in the way' of development. As a result of these pressures, every second the planet loses another two football fields of its precious rainforest cloak.
RETHINK b b A new global measure of progress, the ‘Happy Planet Index’, reveals for the first time that happiness doesn’t have to cost the Earth. It shows that people can live long, happy lives without using more than their fair share of the Earth’s resources. We only have one planet, but in the UK we live as if we had three. Rethink how you are using it’s resources...
REUSE b b Product reuse involves the multiple use of an item in its original form, for its original purpose or for an alternative, with or without reconditioning. In many cases waste that cannot be prevented can be reused instead of buying new products.
RECYCLE b Many items or materials can be recycled. This means that they can be reprocessed and turned into something else. Do you own a fleece coat or jacket? It probably started life as plastic bottles! If they were buried in a landfill site, they would take more than 100 years to rot away and the oil to make them cannot be replaced. Metals and paper can be recycled too!
REPAIR b Many everyday things can be repaired when they break, but unfortunately we live in a ‘throw away society’ where it is easier to buy a complete new product. Every time you buy a new product, more of the Earth’s resources are used up. b Do you really need to throw that TV away just because it needs one new part? Or those worn out shoes - could they have a new sole fitted?
REDUCE b We should all be aiming to reduce the amount of resources that we use. For example, using public transport or sharing lifts can reduce the amount of fuel that we use. Re using furniture can reduce the amount of trees cut down, as can recycled paper.
REFUSE b Do you REALLY need that extra iPod? Do you REALLY know where the wood came from to make that lovely table you have just bought? b Refuse to buy it if you are not sure!!
Sustainability So, as you can see, we need to think carefully about what we are taking from our planet. WHEN ITS GONE, ITS GONE! You CAN make a difference!