Biome Powerpoint By Amanda Dixon
page 1 Gorilla The gorilla has sharp teeth to tear apart it’s plants that it eats Gorilla’s have strong mucsles in their legs to run from predators They are herbivores which is good because the rainforest has a lot of plants in it
page 2 Chimpanzee The chimpanzee eats a lot of plants and insects which the rainforest has a lot of The chimpanzee has a strong body and long limbs which let it run from an animal chasing the chimpanzee It’s hands and feet are narrow and long, with opposable thumbs on the hands which lets it grab it’s food like plants from the bushes or trees
page 3 Indian Cobra Sharp teeth helps catch and swallow it’s prey Smooth body helps strangles prey so it can eat it Some cobras are venomous which can lead to instant death so the animal that died is food to the cobra
page 4 Kapok Tree The Kapok tree can grow in this biome because it has to have moisture in the roots so really the land needs moisture in the soil which it has. The tree also grows in the rainforest because trees need a lot of water which of course the rainforest has a lot of. The kapok tree also provides food for animals who eat berries and plants, the animals carry the seeds along with them after they eat. So the kapok tree gets planted all over the rainforest land. The kapok tree is the main tree in the rainforest.
Tropical Rainforest Food Chain Grass Grasshopper Dart Frog Indian Cobra Hawk
Humans Good Impact Humans have impacted on the Tropical Rainforest in a positive way in replanting some trees when they cut down trees for paper. This is good because trees get cut down every day, but some are getting put back. Trees are an important resource for animals in the rainforest so it is important that some are getting planted back. Trees are also an important resource for humans because without trees we would die. All in all trees are VERY important to everyone around.
Humans Bad Impact Humans have bad impact on the rainforest by cutting down thousands and thousands of trees every minute. And most trees that get cut down only about a third of them get put back (most of the time not even that much get put back). Trees are a very important resource to humans, but they are also a very important to the animals in the rainforest. It is important to animals because it is their homes. It would be like taking away humans homes, without homes we would die (just like animals in the rainforest).
About the Author Hi my name is Amanda Dixon. I go to Lake Elementary in Stark County, Ohio. I enjoy reading mysteries, horror, and romance novels. I do Girl Scouts and am starting youth volleyball. I was born in Akron, Ohio on February 14, I am currently 10 years old. In my free time I like to jump on my trampoline, and play on my computer. That’s just a little about myself. Thanks!