Calculation for Design of High Temperature Materials Daniel Barber Klein Forest High School Klein ISD Facility Mentor Raymundo Arroyave Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Texas A & M University
Brief Lab Project Description The project that I have been focusing my attention on is the Calculation for Design of High Temperature Materials. I have been submitting calculations extending the existing graphical database using the calculated constant of proportionality for various metals.
Example V E New E(V) % E E E E E E E E E E E o : V o : Copper Bo: B’o: Using numbers generated by computer, then using those numbers to create more numbers with excel. We would then create this graph representing the equation of state for copper crystal. Eo - The Energy at optimal interatomic separation (minimum energy) Vo- The volume at equilibrium (optimal) interatomic separation Bo - The Bulk Modulus (the resistance of a material to be compressed) at the equilibrium separation B’o - The derivative of the Bulk modulus as a function of Pressure
Because of the nature of the work that I participated in in Dr. Arroyave Lab, I thought a Lab that incorporated the Thermal Expansion of Materials would be appropriate. In the Pre AP and AP Physics classes this was done in the past with linear expansion of metal rods in a steam chamber. With the concept of ideal gases in a Carnot engine being presented to the ‘on level’ classes. Along with the definitions of the Three Laws of Thermodynamics. In The Past
I purpose a more realistic approach. Using a coiled spring with a constant mass hanging from it. Cool and Heat the coil spring and have the students record Elongation Vs. Temperature Drawing is by Courtesy of the University of Minnesota.
In My Physics Classroom The springs would be cooled by placing in standard freezer. Cold spring would be hung on Hooke’s Law apparatus. Using a remote thermal sensor or Thermocouple to measure the temperature of the spring. How does this affect the properties of the spring as it warms up to room temperature? Record and plot temperature vs. elongation. Continue the process by using a heat gun to increase the temperature of the spring. Continue to plot temperature vs. elongation.
The Plan Day 1 TEKS 6 (E) thermal systems on a molecular level Pre test about 5 or 6 questions Example What is the effect Heat on matter? (a) It gets cooked. (b) It increases the motion of the atoms. (c) It decreases the motion of matter. (d) It make your mouth burn. What is Hot? (a) An ouchie! (b) The measure of kinetic energy in a substance. (c) The measure of kinetic coldness in a substance (d) The measure of Newtons in a substance Introduction of Heat as a form of Energy
Day 2 TEKS 1 Scientific processes TEKS 2 (B) Testable statements TEKS 6 (E)thermal systems on a molecular level Day 2: DEMO: Heating of Iron wire? Show expansion of wire as the result of heating.
Day 2 TEKS 1 Scientific processes TEKS 2 (B) Testable statements TEKS 6 (E)thermal systems on a molecular level Day 2: DEMO: Heating of Iron wire? Show expansion of wire as the result of heating.
Day 3 TEKS 2 (E) nature of science TEKS 3 Scientific Processes TEKS 6 (E) thermal systems on a molecular level Pre lab – Concept check Why are we doing the lab?: develop purpose and hypothesis We need a spring that will launch a tracking device for James Bond in Arctic and Tropical conditions Materials springs 50 > gr hooked mass tongs for handling spring(s) Hooke’s Law Apparatus Device for measuring temperature of spring. Refrigerator/freezer and Hair Dryer Lab notebooks Safety check, how to safely use temperature probe safely dealing with hot and cold
Day 4 TEKS 2 (E), (F), (G), (H), (I), (J) (see notes) TEKS 6(E) Day 4 Lab: Retrieve cold spring from freezer Use tongs to place spring on Hooke’s Law apparatus attach mass ~ 100 grams/ Measure temperature, measure displacement of spring. ( Hooke’s law Apparatus ) Use temperature probe to measure temperature of spring and displacement of mass at time intervals as it increases to room temperature, record. Record displacement of spring as a function of temperarure. Use, Hair dryer or heat gun to increase temperature of spring above room temperature. Use temperature probe to measure temperature of spring and displacement of mass at time intervals as it increases to room temperature; record. Plot graph. Did it agree with Hypotheses? Why? Why not? What spring will do James Bond the most good? Why? Clean
Day 5 TEKS 2 Science processes (I), (J), (K) Review Lab: With data in front of them, Oral response Agree/disagree Hypothesis Procedure and equipment critique Post Test Same as Pre Test.
In My Physics Classroom Goal: My students being able to explain what is going on with material expansion.
National Science Foundation (NSF), Nuclear Power Institute (NPI), Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), Chevron. Texas A&M University Facility and Staff. Dr. Arroyave and the Students in His Lab. Thank you. I would like to Acknowledge the following for their generous support of this years E 3 experience.