Eurostat D-6 Task Force HLY-DFLE - Meeting 25/01/ Task Force HLY- DFLE 25/01/2005 Structural indicator HLY – DFLE Future developments : SILC Other improvements Other set of indicators Eurostat D-6
Eurostat D-6 Task Force HLY-DFLE - Meeting 25/01/ Implementation and first availability of SILC data EU-SILC (European Statistics on Income & Living Conditions survey) established by EP & Council Regulation (EC) 1177/2003 and its list of variables by Commission Regulation (EC) 1983/2003 SILC carried out from (year of first data collection data available later): 2003 (interim version): BE, DK, GR, IE, LU, AT & NO 2004: ES, FR, IT, PT, FI, SE 2005: DE, NL, UK & the new Member States Source of data on limitations in functioning / disability in SILC : in Minimum European Health Module (MEHM)
Eurostat D-6 Task Force HLY-DFLE - Meeting 25/01/ MEHM in SILC data Minimum European Health Module - MEHM (also included in the health status module of the ECHIS but only every 5 years) : PH010 General health : Very good / good / fair / bad /very bad PH020 Suffer from any chronic (long-standing) illness or condition: Yes/no PH030 “Limitation in activities people usually do because of health problems for at least the last 6 months : Strongly limited / limited / not limited” (PH040 – PH070 on access to health care = social exclusion) EU-wide implementation of EU-SILC as data source will provide a high standard of harmonization of HLY-DFLE
Eurostat D-6 Task Force HLY-DFLE - Meeting 25/01/ Use of PH030 of MEHM (SILC) for calculation of HLY-DFLE from 2003/2004/2005 reference year First 2003 data available for 6 MS & NO to be evaluated in the following months & tests for HLY-DFLE calculations will be carried out when data made available However, translations issues remain for some countries : contacts with Eurostat D-2 in charge of SILC in order to solve it with MS & if necessary with SILC working group First HLY-DFLE calculated on SILC for 6 MS & NO (2003) by end 2005 for SI to be used for 2006 Spring report, by end 2006 for 2004 values of HLY-DFLE for 2007 Spring report & end 2007 for 2005 values of HLY-DFLE for 2008 Spring report respectively Break in series with previous data calculated on ECHP (EU15 MS excl. LU) or national sources (some new MS)
Eurostat D-6 Task Force HLY-DFLE - Meeting 25/01/ Other improvements to be developed on the basis of EHEMU works Census based information on people living in institutions can be included in a second stage to take their specific characteristics into account in the calculation (information in EU census 2000) Possibility of crossing answers to several questions in the MEHM (self-perceived health with existence of limitations for ex.) to obtain more accurate prevalence measures Others
Eurostat D-6 Task Force HLY-DFLE - Meeting 25/01/ Other sets of indicators : Sustainable Development Indicators – SDI – Indicators on Public Health Level I : Disability Free Life Expectancy = HLY - DFLE Level II (also a level III) : II-1 Human health protection and lifestyles : 1) body mass index, by age group (source = ECHP and 18 HIS items; 2) resistance to antibiotics (S.Pneumoniae - source = DG SANCO, EARSS - European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System - project) Other groups : II-2 Food safety and quality, II-3 Chemicals management, II-4 Health risks due to environmental conditions Ongoing implementation, data & graphs already in Circa SDI site; release at time 2005 Spring Council -> Eurostat web site