ECE 456 Computer Architecture Lecture #2 - Architecture & Organization Instructor: Dr. Honggang Wang.


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Presentation transcript:

ECE 456 Computer Architecture Lecture #2 - Architecture & Organization Instructor: Dr. Honggang Wang

Dr. WangLecture #22 Administrative Issues (9/18/13) Project team set-up due Wednesday, Sept. 25 If you missed the first class, go to the course website for syllabus and 1 st lecture. My office hours: –M./W. 11 am -12pm, Fri. 12:00 -2:00 pm

Agenda Review Lecture #1 Lecture #2 Dr. WangLecture #23

Dr. WangLecture #24 Review of Lecture #1 In the first lecture, we covered the Course syllabus & operational details Introduction to computer systems –History of computers (a number of Firsts…...) –Evolution of Intel family –The evolution of computers has been characterized by increasing processor speed/memory capacity/I/O capacity & speed and decreasing component size –Performance balancing is a critical issue in computer system design

Dr. WangLecture #25 The First The first general-purpose electronic digital computer The first computer to use the “Stored Program” concept The first computer bug The first transistor The first chip (integrated circuit) The first minicomputer The first microprocessor

Dr. WangLecture #26 The first general-purpose electronic digital computer ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) designed by Mauchly & Eckert at the U. Pennsylvania started 1943, finished 1946 disassembled ,000 vacuum tubes 30 tons 30 feet × 50 feet 140 kw power consumption

Dr. WangLecture #27 The first computer to use the “Stored Program” concept IAS computer: named for the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University Began 1946, completed 1952 The prototype of all subsequent general-purpose computers Structure Von Neumann machines

Dr. WangLecture #28 The first computer bug Grace Hopper found a moth stuck in a relay responsible for a malfunction An error in a computer program that prevents it from working correctly or produces an incorrect result

Dr. WangLecture #29 The first transistor Invented at Bell labs in 1947 Won a Nobel prize Uses Silicon Advantages William Shockley (seated at Brattain's laboratory bench), John Bardeen (left) and Walter Brattain (right)

Dr. WangLecture #210 The first chip Invented by Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments in 1958 Integrated Circuits are transistors, resistors, and capacitors integrated together into a single “chip” Won a Nobel prize

Dr. WangLecture #211 The first minicomputer DEC PDP-8 –Small enough to sit on a lab bench –Embedded applications –Flexible bus structure Console controller CPU Main memory I/O module I/O module... Omnibus

Dr. WangLecture #212 The first microprocessor – 1971 The Intel 4004 had 2,250 transistors four-bit 108Khz Called “Microchip” The Pioneer 10 spacecraft used the 4004 microprocessor. It was launched on March 2, 1972 and was the first spacecraft and microprocessor to enter the Asteroid Belt.

Dr. WangLecture #213 Lecture #2 Topics Concept of computer architecture & computer organization Contemporary computer architecture is –von Neumann architecture, plus –Interrupts

Dr. WangLecture #214 What is Computer Architecture? Term coined by IBM System/360 group in 1964 “ The structure of a computer that a machine language programmer must understand to write a correct program for a machine” –cited from Advanced Computer Architecture: A Design Space Approach, by D. Sima et al, Addison-Wesley 1997 –attributes visible to a programmer: registers, instruction set, instruction formats, addressing modes, etc –example: “Is there a multiply instruction?”

Dr. WangLecture #215 What is Computer Organization? “The operational units and their interconnections that realize the architectural specifications” –about how features are implemented –hardware details transparent to programmers: control signals, interfaces, memory technology –example: “Will the multiply instruction be implemented by a hardware multiply unit or repeated addition?”

Dr. WangLecture #216 Architecture & Organization A particular architecture can span many years and encompass a number of different computer models (organizations) –all Intel x86 family share the same basic architecture –IBM System/370 family share the same basic architecture –organization, thus price and performance differ between different models –this gives code compatibility

Dr. WangLecture #217 Agenda Concept of computer architecture & computer organization Contemporary computer architecture is –von Neumann architecture, plus –Interrupts

Dr. WangLecture #218 Von Neumann Architecture General structure of von Neumann machines (the IAS computer)

Dr. WangLecture #219 The IAS Computer ( prototype of modern computers) Chapter 2.1

Dr. WangLecture #220 Memory of IAS Memory: 1000 words /storage locations –40 binary bits per word –both data and instructions can be stored –memory format for a number –memory format for instructions Sign bit Opcode Address Left instruction Right instruction

Dr. WangLecture #221 Instruction Set of IAS 21 instructions –data transfer between memory and registers or between two registers –unconditional branch –conditional branch –arithmetic –address modify

Dr. WangLecture #222 Table 2.1 The IAS Instruction Set

Dr. WangLecture #223 IAS Registers Memory Buffer Register (MBR): contains a word to be stored in memory or sent to I/O, or is used to receive a word from memory or I/O Accumulator (AC) & Multiplier Quotient (MQ): employed to hold temporarily operands and results of ALU operations. Memory Address Register (MAR): specifies the memory address for the word to be written from or read into MBR. Instruction Register (IR): contains the 8- bit opcode of the instruction being executed Instruction Buffer Register (IBR): employed to hold temporarily the right- hand instruction from a word in memory Program Counter (PC): contains the address of the next instruction-pair to be fetched from memory

Dr. WangLecture #224 Instruction cycle Fetch –Opcode  IR –Address  MAR Execute Operation of IAS

Dr. WangLecture #225 Von Neumann Architecture – Key Characteristics Memory with addressable locations Data and instructions are stored in a single read-write memory Basic sequential execution (unless explicitly modified)

Dr. WangLecture #226 Administrative Issues (9/23/13, Monday.) Project Team –due Wednesday, Sep 25 Homework #1 –Assigned today, please go to the course website to download problems Today’s topic –Finish Lecture #2 (Interrupt)

Dr. WangLecture #227 Agenda Concept of computer architecture & computer organization Contemporary computer architecture is –von Neumann architecture, plus –interrupts

Dr. WangLecture #228 Interrupts All contemporary computers provide a mechanism by which other modules may interrupt the normal processing of the processor Contemporary computer architecture = von Neumann architecture + interrupts Chapter 3.2

Dr. WangLecture #229 Common Classes of Interrupts Program interrupt –division by zero, using undefined instructions, memory protection violations, arithmetic overflow Timer interrupt –generated by an internal processor timer I/O interrupt Programmer-requested interrupt Hardware failure –power failure, hardware malfunctions

Dr. WangLecture #230 Why Interrupts ? (1) Program flow of control without interrupts Code segments –1,2,3: do not involve I/O –4: prepare for actual I/O operation –Actual I/O command –5: complete I/O operation

Dr. WangLecture #231 I/O devices are much slower than processor -- a very wasteful use of processor At the point of each WRITE call, processor must pause and remain idle Why Interrupts? (2)Why Interrupts? (2) -- Program Control flow & Timing: No Interrupts

Dr. WangLecture #232 Why Interrupts? (3) With interrupts, the processor can be engaged in executing other instructions while an I/O operation is in progress –improved processing efficiency –concurrency

Dr. WangLecture #233 Illustration: Short I/O Wait Time required for the I/O operation is less than the time to complete the execution of instructions between write calls in the user program.

Dr. WangLecture #234 Why Interrupts? (4)Why Interrupts? (4) -- Program Control Flow & Timing with Interrupts: Short I/O Wait concurrency gain in efficiency

Dr. WangLecture #235 Illustration: Long I/O Wait Time required for the I/O operation is more than the time to complete the execution of instructions between write calls in the user program.

Dr. WangLecture #236 Why Interrupts? (5) -- Program Control Flow & Timing with Interrupts: Long I/O Wait concurrency gain in efficiency

Dr. WangLecture #237 Summary With the use of interrupts, concurrent execution of user program and I/O operation is made possible! Improved CPU processing efficiency!

Dr. WangLecture #238 Transfer of Control via Interrupts Execution suspended with context saving Execution resumed with context recovery

Dr. WangLecture #239 Multiple Interrupts Various interrupt sources multiple interrupts How to deal with multiple interrupts?

Dr. WangLecture #240 How to deal with multiple interrupts? Can an interrupt be interrupted while it is being processed? –NO: sequential interrupt processing –YES: which interrupt should the CPU service? priorities and nested interrupt processing

Dr. WangLecture #241 Sequential Interrupt Processing (1) Disable interrupt (DI) while processing an interrupt, enable interrupt (EI) before resuming the use program DI EI

Dr. WangLecture #242 Sequential Interrupt Processing (2) Advantages: –simple: all interrupts are handled in strict sequential order Disadvantages –without considering relative priority or time-critical needs

Dr. WangLecture #243 Nested Interrupt Processing (1)

Dr. WangLecture #244 Nested Interrupt Processing (2): Example A system has three I/O devices –a printer with priority 2 –a disk with priority 4 –a communication line with priority 5 Multiple interrupts (each takes 10 time units) time 0 printer interrupt communication line interrupt disk interrupt Increasing priority

Dr. WangLecture #245 Time Sequence of Example Multiple Interrupts time 0 printer Interrupt (2) comm. line Interrupt (5) disk Interrupt (4)

Dr. WangLecture #246 Nested Interrupt Processing (4) Advantages: –taking into account relative priority or time-critical needs Disadvantages –complex: defining priorities, saving information

Dr. WangLecture #247 Summary of Lecture #2 Basic concept of computer architecture and organization Von Neumann architecture (3 key concepts) Interrupts and multiple interrupts Contemporary computer architecture is von Neumann architecture, plus interrupts

Dr. WangLecture #248 Things To Do Find your partners for the class project – me the team information Check out the class website about –lecture notes –reading assignments –the project Next Topics Computer function & structure