As a partner of Club Ride, [Employer Name] is working to improve the environment. And, it takes all of us together to make a difference. This EARTH DAY, join Club Ride and get rewarded. Now is the time to try an alternative commute to work: Bicycle Carpool Transit Walk Not a member of Club Ride? Contact [TC Name] at [Contact Info] for more information
Tips to GREEN Your Commute: Bicycle to a transit stop, and take transit into work; many RTC vehicles are equipped with bike racks Use the RTC’s Transit Trip Planner on the RTC’s home page to plan the quickest route by transit Help reduce pollution – try carpooling to work with a co-worker, even if it’s one day a month! Prevent fumes from creating pollution by refueling your car early in the morning, or after sunset For less pollution and to get the best fuel efficiency, don’t exceed the posted speed limit If it’s an option, work from home Walk to lunch instead of driving your car
ONE DAY A MONTH Make Earth Day your 1 Day Together, we can make a difference: Reduce nearly 200 tons of air pollution Reduce nearly 44 tons of airborne dust Save gas Save money Save our Valley!