WELCOME 2 nd Grade Parents Please Sign up for a goal setting conference
Mrs. Pape’s Message Mrs. Pape’s Message It’s an honor to share this special time with your child. Westpark is such a positive place to be! I’ve taught here for 19 years. Teachers, parents, staff, and students make it a home away from home! I’m committed to your child’s success! Thank you for your dedication and support!
A.I.R. (School-wide behavior plan) A ccountability I ntegrity R espect AIR Cards
Standards We follow the content standards set forth by the State of California. Each grade has separate standards but some overlap Essential standards are taught at instructional level in that grade See the IUSD Essential Standards
LANGUAGE ARTS Westpark’s Model Houghton Mifflin -Standards Based R.T.I. - 1 hour of direct instruction at their level within that grade. *Writing -developmental growth Instruction in all 6 traits. *Spelling – (Weekly practice in the homework) Grades are based on spelling in everyday writing * part of our homeroom time
Houghton Mifflin MATH Number Sense- Part/Whole Thinking Computation Fluency –Weekly practice Manipulatives- -(hands on learning) Problem Solving Explaining their thinking with vocabulary! Online textbooks at IUSD.org
* ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS.* Computer LabComputer Lab (Mondays 11:00-11:30, Volunteers Welcome) MusicMusic (Every Other Monday) LibraryLibrary (Every Wednesday) P.E.P.E. (Wednesdays & Fridays) *Make sure your child wears tennis shoes and comfortable clothing.
2 nd Grade ROTATIONS Monday & Thursday Afternoons Students switch teachers for social studies, science, and (writing, health, or art).
2 nd grade SOCIAL STUDIES Civics & Citizenship: Developing respect for self, others, and the community. Awareness of cultures of the world Map Skills Goods & Services Natural Resources & Trade State adoption: Harcourt’s Series.
2 nd grade SCIENCE 1st Trimester2 nd Trimester3 rd Trimester Earth Science Pebbles, Sand, and Silt Physical Science Balance & Motion Life Science Insects
Motivators Whole class: Marble Jar Teamwork: Table Points Individual Motivators: Bonus Points (BPs) AIR Cards Pape Dollars A.I.R. Behavior Chart
Special Programs Star of the Week- 2 nd Grade Business Day- students buy/sell items with their Pape Dollars. It’s held the last week of each quarter. A.I.R. Awards- assemblies are held throughout the year
Most important : Read with your child! nightly*** HOMEWORK Building Good Habits Home Monday*- Return Friday “Must Do” Checklist- child’s job Build routine & provide practice Grade( O,S,N ) and Initials- your job We value family time! Looking for Additional Challenges? Learning Opportunities Menu (sent in the homework folder with spelling activities, See Website for more!
Conduits and Communication s Please sign the homework contract/log and return it in the folder every Friday. There is no need to return practice pages.Homework Folder– Please sign the homework contract/log and return it in the folder every Friday. There is no need to return practice pages. Please look over your child’s work, sign and return every Friday.Thursday Conduits– Please look over your child’s work, sign and return every Friday. Check Westpark website!
We love birthdays! Please NO TREATS!
Donations - See your $ at work in our classroom. Thanks for all your support! Volunteer Opportunities *sign up for a day and time that works for you Conferences August 20 th - 23 rd Sign up tonight
Thank you for coming... Save personal questions/concerns for conferences.