Your undergraduate student society. We officially represents the interests of all undergraduate mathematics students to the faculty and university. We also offer a wide variety of services to our members.
You are! All undergraduate math students are members of MathSoc. We are your Fall 2011 executives: ◦ Andre Magalhaes – President ◦ Anna Merkoulovitch – Vice President, Operations ◦ Alex Russell – Vice President, Events ◦ Jessica Janssen – Vice President, Finance ◦ Bryanne Pashley – Vice President, Academics
Office Services Events Exam Bank Lockers Calculators Novelties Comfy Lounge Coffee and Donut Shop Clubs and Affiliates mathNEWS
Our office is located in MC Photocopying - $0.05. Printing - $0.10 (even double-sided!). Stapling. Binding - $1.00. Stationary. Board games, calculators, and textbooks for rent.
An online repository of past midterms and exams for popular courses. Log onto to view them all!
Sign out a locker for the term – it’s free! Visit to sign up.
Visit our office to get your calculator “pink-tie approved.” We also sell the TI-30X II, the Sharp EL-531XB, and the TI-BAII Plus for the cheapest prices on campus.
We outfit math students with a wide variety of novelty items for really great prices. Check some out after the presentation!
The Comfy Lounge, on the 3 rd floor of MC, is available 24/7 for math students to use. We also hold fun events in there!
The cheapest food and drinks on campus are in the Math CnD on the 3 rd floor of MC. Open 8am – 7pm every weekday. The cafeteria area is a great place to study, work on projects, or just hang out.
mathNEWS is a bi-weekly student publication. Watch for issues around MC every other Friday. Write for mathNEWS by attending their production nights every other Monday.
We hold a variety of events each term: Pints with Profs, Pi Day, Games Nights, BBQs, and carnivals to name a few! All math undergrads are welcome at our events, which are usually completely free!
Each academic program has a student club that organizes academic and social events for their members. We also have non-academic affiliates including: ◦ Women in Math Undergraduate Committee ◦ mathNEWS ◦ Math Orientation Find out more about the clubs after the presentation or at MathSoc Clubs Day!
It’s really easy! ◦ Like “Mathematics Society” on Facebook. ◦ Visit our website for updates. ◦ Sign up for our mailing list. ◦ Look out for posters around MC and DC. ◦ Read our updates in mathNEWS. ◦ Check out the events board on the 3 rd floor. ◦ Visit our office and ask what’s happening!
We’ll be welcoming all students back next week with a variety of fun events: ◦ Monday: Free BBQ in the DC Quad. ◦ Tuesday: Novelties Sale on the 3 rd Floor. ◦ Wednesday: Math Pride Day and Novelties Sale on the 3 rd Floor; Volunteer Information Session at 6pm in MC ◦ Thursday and Friday: MathSoc Clubs Day on the 3 rd Floor. Grab a flyer for the week after the presentation!
Of course! We have a variety of volunteer and leadership positions available: ◦ Directors ◦ Boards ◦ Office Workers ◦ Councillors Or get involved with our clubs and affiliates!
Directors and boards are the heart of the society. Expect to commit several hours a week to the position. Application forms are available on the website or at the back of the room. Applications are due by Wednesday, September 21 st at 4:30 pm.
Office workers run the office. You can choose the amount of time to commit, starting at 1 hour a week. Choose your hour at Sign up as soon as possible!
Get to know people in your program by joining your program’s club! Or get involved with one of our affiliates. Time commitments vary. Come out to clubs day tomorrow, 10 am – 3 pm on MC Third Floor.
First-year representatives represent their class on MathSoc’s council and help make decisions about how the society is run. Expect to commit about 3 hours every other week. Elections for first-year representatives will be held in each Math 137 class on Friday, September 16 th or Monday, September 19 th.
Join us outside to talk to clubs and affiliates, check out MathSoc novelties, learn out more about getting involved, AND enjoy a BBQ. Hope to see you around again!