EU Funded Research on Statistics and Indicators Dr Ian Perry DG Research and Innovation.


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Presentation transcript:

EU Funded Research on Statistics and Indicators Dr Ian Perry DG Research and Innovation

EU Funded Research on Statistics and Indicators The European Union needs good policies Policy should be evidence based The evidence is often indicators Indicators are built from statistics Official statistics need to be based on solid methodologies Resulting from metholodological research

EU Funded Research on Statistics and Indicators Economic and social research also needs to be evidence based The evidence is often indicators

EU Funded Research on Statistics and Indicators Under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7), Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities Theme, Indicators Activity, DG Research and Innovation funds three types of statistical research:  How indicators are used for policy  New and improved indicators  Official statistics methodology

EU Funded Research on Statistics and Indicators Five research projects funded under the FP7 Indicators activity have sessions at this conference:  AMELI (Advanced Methodologies for European Laeken Indicators)  BLUE-ETS (BLUE – Enterprise and Trade Statistics)  POINT (Policy Influence of Indicators)  RISQ (Representativity Indicators for Survey Quality)  SAMPLE (Small Area Methods for Poverty and Living Condition Estimates)

EU Funded Research on Statistics and Indicators Building on the work done under the FP6 EUKLEMS (Productivity in the European Union: a Comparative Industry Approach) research project FP7- SSH has or will fund research on: Economic Datasets  WIOD (World Input-Output Database) Intangibles  COINVEST (Competitiveness, Innovation and Intangible Investment in Europe)  INNODRIVE (Intangible Capital and Innovation: Drivers of Growth in the EU) Services  INDICSER (Indicators for Evaluating International Performance in Service Sectors)  SERVICEGAP (The Impact of Service Sector Innovation and Internationalisation on Growth and productivity)

EU Funded Research on Statistics and Indicators New and Improved Indicators  EURO - JUSTIS ( Scientific indicators of confidence in justice: tools for policy assessment)  InnoS&T (Innovative S&T Indicators Combining Patent Data Surveys: Empirical Models and Policy Analyses)  ASSPRO (Assessment of patient payment policies and projection their efficiency, equity and quality effects; the case of Central and Eastern Europe)  BEYOND GDP

EU Funded Research on Statistics and Indicators The Infrastructures part of FP7 also has 2 types of projects relevant to the European Statistical System under the Social Sciences part of ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) roadmap: Providing Datasets for Researchers  European Social Survey  SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) Data archiving and Enhancing Researchers Access to Official Microdata  DWB (Data without Boundaries) Many other research projects funded under the FPs produce some statistics and indicators DG Research and Innovation is itself a heavy user of Science, Technology, Innovation and many other statistics coming from the ESS

EU Funded Research on Statistics and Indicators Beyond FP7  No decisions have yet been made either on budgets or themes for the Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation  On 9/2/2011 DG Research and Innovation launched a major consultation exercise in connection with preparing the Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation

Green Paper Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation Funding

What is the Green Paper? Proposing major changes to future EU research and innovation funding – Bringing together the FP, CIP and EIT into a Common Strategic Framework – Standardising the rules – Simplification (single entry points, common IT platforms, etc) For the next EU Budget (to start in 2014) Seeking stakeholder views ahead of the Commission’s formal proposals (to be presented by end 2011) – On the proposed changes – On the priorities and design of the Common Strategic Framework

The context: Europe 2020 strategy Objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Headline targets, including 3% of GDP invested in R&D Includes the Innovation Union Flagship initiative – A strategic and integrated approach to research and innovation (from research to market, all forms of innovation) – Putting in place the key conditions to make Europe attractive for research and innovation – Common focus to address major societal challenges and aiming at competitiveness and jobs Endorsed by February European Council (Heads of State)

Innovation gap with US and Japan, emerging countries catching up EU Percentage gaps between EU performance (0) and other countries across 12 indicators. Other counties, such as India and Brazil, are developing fast. Source: Innovation Union Scoreboard

EU R&D investment is lagging behind our main competitors Evolution of World R&D expenditure in real terms, PPS€ at 2000 prices and exchange rates,

The rationale for a Common Strategic Framework

Positive benefits from FP7 (interim evaluation and other sources) Enables cross-border pooling of resources to achieve critical mass and diffusion of knowledge Promotes competition in research, thereby raising levels of excellence Offers a wide range of training possibilities and enhances Europe’s research capacity Provides a way to deal with pan-European policy challenges and link to EU market frameworks Raises the international attractiveness of EU research and innovation

But concerns about FP7 and other programmes (interim evaluations and other sources) Complexity - too many instruments and funding mechanisms, complex landscape Further simplification- less variation in rules, simpler audits and controls, avoid duplicate information Better strategy for innovation – how to commercialise results, generate impacts Need to focus resources – with critical mass to address the grand challenges Broaden participation – new Member States, women Clearer agendas - driven by scientific, industrial, social objectives

Scope of the Common Strategic Framework Bringing together The 7 th Framework Programme for research, technology development and demonstration The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme The European Institute for Innovation and Technology And strengthening complementarities with the Structural Funds

Why a Common Strategic Framework (1)? Simplifying the programmes: FROM different rules in each programme and initiative  TO more standardised rules across all initiatives FROM a large number of funding schemes within and between programmes  TO a rationalised toolkit of schemes that are common to all programmes FROM multiple websites, guidance documents, applications  TO common entry points, one stop shops, common IT platforms

Why a Common Strategic Framework (2)? Greater impact: FROM fragmented calls where projects cannot go from one stage to the next (R&D, demonstration, market take up, etc)  TO support for projects and organisations from research to market FROM research results sitting on the shelf  TO stronger support across the whole innovation cycle FROM different priorities in each programme and initiative TO common strategic priorities, focusing on societal challenges, competitiveness and research excellence.

Summary of questions in the Green Paper

Delivering on Europe 2020 How can a Common Strategic Framework make EU funding more attractive and easy to access? How to cover the full innovation cycle: research to market? Where to act at EU level (and leverage other resources)? How to support joint programming between Member States? What between large vs small projects? What balance between standardisation vs flexibility in the rules? What measures of success? How to complement national, regional and Cohesion Policy funding?

Tackling societal challenges How to focus on societal challenges? What scope for bottom up activities? What support for policy making and forward- looking activities? Role of the Joint Research Centre? How to involve citizens?

Strengthening competitiveness How to take account of non-technological innovation? How to strengthen industry participation, including public private partnerships? What support for SMEs? Use of open schemes to support innovation? Use of financial instruments (equity, debt)? New types of support (public procurement, prizes)? Treatment of Intellectual Property Rights?

Strengthening the science base and the European Research Area Stronger role for the European Research Council? EU support to improve Member State policies? Greater support to mobility and research careers (Marie Curie actions)? EU level support to research infrastructures? Priorities for international cooperation? Addressing obstacles to the European Research Area?

A broad debate – next steps Addressed to all stakeholders: – Key questions for design of the Common Strategic Framework Deadline for contributions by 20 May 2011: – Online questionnaire – Submission of position papers – Interactive blog Next steps: – Major event to conclude consultation (10 June 2011) – Commission proposals for next multi-annual financial framework – Commission legislative proposals for the Common Strategic Framework (by end of 2011)

Thank you for your attention Find out more and participate in the debate at: