Bridge Module Part 1 What we need to play 1
Law 1 The Field of Play 2
Objective At the end of the lesson the student will: name the lines and areas of the field name other items that belong to the field identify the purpose of each. 3
Field of Play yd yd. 18 yd 6 yd R-10 yd. 12 yd. R-1 yd. 11 yd. No More than 5 in The length of the touch line must be greater than the length of the goal line The width of the Lines are Part of the Area 4
Field of Play Goal MUST Be Securely Anchored!! 5
Additional Information Broken Crossbar must be replaced or abandon match Goals must be white No publicity of any kind even in the technical area Nets MAY be attached Goals MUST be anchored securely 6
Review 7
Law 2 The Ball 8
Objective At the end of the lesson the student will: Select the best ball from those presented by the instructor State what to do if the ball becomes defective 9
The Ball Review of Prior Knowledge What is the most important criteria for the ball? How do you check the weight and inflation? Who certifies that the ball meets the requirements of Law 2? 10
Specifications Specifications of the ball. Spherical (round) Made of leather or suitable material Circumference of 27 – 28 inches Weighs 14 – 16 ounces Inflated to 8.5 to 15.6 lbs/in 2 11
If Ball Becomes Defective If the ball bursts or becomes defective during play –Play is stopped –The replacement ball is checked by the referee –Play is restarted with a dropped ball If the ball is out of play when it bursts or becomes defective –Play is restarted accordingly 12
The Game Ball Which teams supplies the game ball? –Traditionally the Home team supplies the game ball(s). –If the Home team doesn’t have an acceptable ball, the visiting team can supply Referee is responsible for the ball –Referee should gather the ball(s) at halftime and after the game –Referee returns the ball(s) after the game 13
Review Overriding principle: –The Ball shall be safe What shape: –spherical What is the outer casing made of: – leather or other approved materials What is the Circumference: – inches 14
Review What should the weight be: – oz. at the beginning of the game What is the correct pressure: – lb./ Who ensures the ball meets requirements of Law 2? –The Referee 15
Law 3 The Number of Players 16
Objective At the end of the lesson the student will: State the substitution procedure State what to do if the goalkeeper changes places with a player without informing the referee 17
Number of Players Review of Prior Knowledge –How Many Teams? –How Many Players? –What Do We Know About Goalkeepers? –What’s a Substitute? –How Do We Complete a Substitution? 18
Substitutions Who? 3 of 7 listed prior to game When? At any stoppage of play Where? Player leaves the field anywhere Substitute enters at halfway line How? With referee’s permission 19
Number of Substitutes Number of substitutes allowed in FIFA matches. –Three substitutes used –Maximum of 3-7 names given Once substituted, the former player may not return to the match –If the former player remains in the bench area, s/he is still under the jurisdiction of the Referee 20
Violations Changing of goalkeepers –Referee informed –Change made during stoppage Punishment if done improperly –Play continues –Players are cautioned at next stoppage Substitutes Entering without Permission –Play stopped –Substitute shown yellow card and leaves field –Play restarted with indirect free kick 21
A Player Sent Off Send-Offs –Player sent off before start of match may be replaced only by one of the “named” substitute –Named substitute who has been sent off cannot be replaced –A player sent off during the match cannot be replaced 22
Review How many subs is each team allowed: –3–3 What is the substitution procedure: –Referee notified –Player leaves the field –Referee signals for sub to enter –Sub enters at halfway line and becomes the new player 23
Law 4 The Players’ Equipment 24
Objective At the end of the lesson the student will: State the required equipment for a player State what to do if a player is wearing dangerous equipment 25
Players Equipment 1. Shirt or jersey with sleeves, same color as teammates 3. Shinguards Review of Prior Knowledge 4. Socks or stockings, same as teammates * (must cover shinguards) 2. Shorts, same color as teammates * (can be different color than shirt) 5. Shoes or footwear 26
Equipment Inspection Referee shall inspect players’ equipment prior to match. Referee shall prevent player with dangerous equipment from playing. 27
Note: This does not mean you have the right to set a different standard from the world. Manufacturers check products with authorities before marketing them. Equipment Requirements Players’ equipment shall not be dangerous to themselves or any other player (including any kind of jewelry.) This is your opinion and is final without question. 28
Are The Allowed Yes Unless in your opinion the cast is dangerous. Casts 29
Goalkeeper Equipment Goalkeepers shall wear colors different from: All other players Referee 30
For Any Infringements of this Law Play need not be stopped Player is instructed by the referee to correct the equipment If not corrected by next stoppage, player is told to leave the field. Must wait for Referee’s permission before re- entering the field. Referee must be certain the problem has been corrected. Player who returns without permission is cautioned 31
Review What are the 5 pieces of required player equipment? –Shirt or jersey –Shorts –Socks or stockings –Shin-guards –Shoes 32
Review When can a player who left the field to repair equipment return? –If returning from the touch line, it can be during play with the referee’s permission or during a stoppage –If returning from the goal line, it must be during a stoppage with the referee’s permission 33