12 months to three years Growth rate slows down 3 inches a year, 4-6 pounds a year Body becomes more proportionate Bones gradually harden or ossify
Complete set of deciduous teeth Extremities grow fast (pot belly) Hearing tests – Eustachian tube shorter Vital signs begin to slow down Visit the eye doctor (lazy eye)
Depends on maturation of muscle, bones, and nerves Must be ready physically and mentally for new tasks Balance one one foot, jump with both feet, walk up stairs with both feet, runs
Ride a tricycle Puts simple puzzles together Builds a tower of blocks Cooies circle or vertical lines Turns knobs and opens lids (safety?)
Eating Toileting Usually more important for parent Must be able to communicate By 2 ½ are bladder trained Handle matter of factly
Dressing Communication Washing Brushing teeth
Autonomy Independence Encourage toddlers to make decisions They still need much guidance Caregiver needs to be consistent and reinforce limitations
Pre-operational thought Toddlers interpret new experiences based on memories of previous happenings
Occurs as children imitate parent’s moral behavior and teachings
Develops along with memory and cognition Young toddlers use one word sentences 3 year olds have a vocabulary of 3,000 words and use multiple sentences Read to child and encourage speech
Well balanced for bone and muscle growth Portion sizes vary according to child and activity level Likes and dislikes influenced by family members Most toddlers like “carry” food Give food choices, ignore refusals, toddlers like consistency
Decreases during this time Short naps needed Bedtime rituals help reduce anxiety Night mares should be handled in a consistent comforting manner
Major influence on exploration and understanding of the world Prefer parallel play Do not interact or share well Imaginary playmate common Tricycles, swings, climbers, rocking horse, color cubes, painting, musical instruments I-pad
Naturally curious-keep from danger Continuous supervision Car safety, road safety, poisonings, burns, choking and suffocation
Regular check-ups 18 months, 24 months, 36 months See dentist when all deciduous teeth are in
Birth of another child can cause sibling rivalry Promoting self-esteem Attend to child’s needs quickly Spend special time with child Ignore mishaps Convey positive regard Label behavior –NOT CHILD Positive feedback Be congruent with communication If indicated offer an apology