Equus Beds ASR Program A Case Study in Success Texas Innovative Water 2010 Seminar October 11, 2010 Texas Innovative Water 2010 Seminar October 11, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Equus Beds ASR Program A Case Study in Success Texas Innovative Water 2010 Seminar October 11, 2010 Texas Innovative Water 2010 Seminar October 11, 2010

2 Outline  Concept  Purpose and Need  Planning and Development  Funding  Phase II Program  Keys to Success  Concept  Purpose and Need  Planning and Development  Funding  Phase II Program  Keys to Success


4 Source of Recharge Water  Little Arkansas River  High Turbidity (5 to 2,000 NTU)  Atrazine (<1 to 50  g/L)  Little Arkansas River  High Turbidity (5 to 2,000 NTU)  Atrazine (<1 to 50  g/L)  Above Base Flow Conditions  Expect to Recharge 120 days/year  Spring & Early Fall  Above Base Flow Conditions  Expect to Recharge 120 days/year  Spring & Early Fall

5 Typical Storm Event Min. Flow Rate for Phase II Intake (30 MGD) 7 to 10 Days

6 Sources of Supply Little Arkansas River Arkansas River Burrton Wichita Cheney Reservoir Equus Beds Well Field Bentley Well Field Local Well Field Wichita Water System: 186 mi 2 Service Area 425,000+ Served

7 Meet Water Supply Demands Source: Aquifer Storage & Recovery Program Review, Water Supply Plan (HDR, 2010) Cheney Reservoir – 72 mgd Equus Beds Wellfield – 40 mgd Total Supply – mgd Max Day Demands (no additional conservation) Max Day Demands (with additional conservation) Bentley Wellfield – 11.5 mgd Local Wellfield – 7 mgd

Reverse Water-Level Declines  Groundwater pumping has created a depression  65 Bgal of storage capacity available (return to 1940 water levels) >40 feet of water-level decline since 1950

9 Protect Water Quality City Wells

10 Planning & Development  Integrated Local Water Supply (ILWS) Plan  Evaluated 27 Alternatives  Approved 1993  Meet 2050 Water Demands  Principal Component is a 100-MGD ASR Program  Integrated Local Water Supply (ILWS) Plan  Evaluated 27 Alternatives  Approved 1993  Meet 2050 Water Demands  Principal Component is a 100-MGD ASR Program

11 Imported Water Alternative  Milford Reservoir Alternative 15 Cities from Wichita to Chapman Milford Reservoir Wichita 120 Miles

12 ASR: A Win-Win Solution Reliable & Sustainable Water Source Preserve Equus Beds Water Quality No Requirements to Curtail Irrigation Lower Pumping Costs Augments Low Flows Less Land Required Avoid Evaporation Losses Reliable & Sustainable Water Source Preserve Equus Beds Water Quality No Requirements to Curtail Irrigation Lower Pumping Costs Augments Low Flows Less Land Required Avoid Evaporation Losses

13 Impediments to ASR Program 1 st ASR Project in Kansas No Regulations to Administer No Proof ASR would not Contaminate the Aquifer Poor Image of City in Project Area 1 st ASR Project in Kansas No Regulations to Administer No Proof ASR would not Contaminate the Aquifer Poor Image of City in Project Area

14 Partnering with Reclamation 1. Equus Beds Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Project (1980’s)  High Plains Groundwater Demonstration Program  ASR is feasible and suitable for full-scale implementation 2. Congressman Tihart (KS) introduced bill to authorize Reclamation’s funding participation  P.L passed in 2006  25% up to $30M ($41M in today’s $s) 3. Reclamation sponsored City’s EIS  ROD issued January 2010 (18 months) 1. Equus Beds Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Project (1980’s)  High Plains Groundwater Demonstration Program  ASR is feasible and suitable for full-scale implementation 2. Congressman Tihart (KS) introduced bill to authorize Reclamation’s funding participation  P.L passed in 2006  25% up to $30M ($41M in today’s $s) 3. Reclamation sponsored City’s EIS  ROD issued January 2010 (18 months)

15 External Funding / Support  U. S. Bureau of Reclamation  Special Authorization  Cooperative Agreement  State of Kansas  Kansas Water Office  Up to $1M/year  U. S. Geological Survey  Data Collection  Groundwater Monitoring  U. S. Bureau of Reclamation  Special Authorization  Cooperative Agreement  State of Kansas  Kansas Water Office  Up to $1M/year  U. S. Geological Survey  Data Collection  Groundwater Monitoring

16 Phased Implementation ASR Program Phase Recharge & Recovery Capacity Proposed Completion Date Phase I10 MGD2006 Phase II30 MGD4 th Qtr 2011 Phase III30 MGD2018 Phase IV30 MGD2040 Total 100 MGD

17 ASR Phase II Program  30-MGD Capacity  ASR Facilities  River Intake  Treatment Plant  31 ASR Wells  Recharge Basin  40+ miles of Pipelines  Power lines & substation  Surge Tanks  30-MGD Capacity  ASR Facilities  River Intake  Treatment Plant  31 ASR Wells  Recharge Basin  40+ miles of Pipelines  Power lines & substation  Surge Tanks

18 ASR Phase II Facilities  ASR Well

19 ASR Phase II Facilities  River Intake

20 ASR Phase II Facilities  Surface Water Treatment Plant Clearwell AOP Building Membrane Building

21 Recharge Accounting Source: USGS, 2010 “Index Cell” (4 mi 2 ) Groundwater Model Boundary

22 Keys to Success Partnerships Phased Implementation Favorable Administration and Accounting Framework Nearby Recharge Water Source Strong Leadership Partnerships Phased Implementation Favorable Administration and Accounting Framework Nearby Recharge Water Source Strong Leadership

23 Acknowledgements  David Warren  Retired Director, Wichita Water Utilities  Jerry Blain  Retired Superintendent, Wichita Water Utilities  Chris Carrier  Director of Public Works, City of Wichita (deceased)  Deb Ary  Superintendent of Prod. & Pumping, City of Wichita  Tom Jacobs & Andrea Cole  Program Management  David Warren  Retired Director, Wichita Water Utilities  Jerry Blain  Retired Superintendent, Wichita Water Utilities  Chris Carrier  Director of Public Works, City of Wichita (deceased)  Deb Ary  Superintendent of Prod. & Pumping, City of Wichita  Tom Jacobs & Andrea Cole  Program Management

Questions? Cortney Brand R. W. Beck