Biochar Is biochar a viable method?
The Carbon Cycle Four Reservoirs of Carbon: 1.Sedimentary Rock 2.Ocean 3.Land Surface 4.Atmosphere Each of these reservoirs “breathes” CO 2 causing atmospheric CO 2 to vary over time.
Carbon Sequestration Geological sequestration: storing carbon dioxide in depleted gas and oil reservoirs keeping it beneath the earth’s surface Carbon capture and storage: involves CO 2 being directly taken from power plant exhaust streams and injected into porous geological formations deep in the Earth
Production: Pyrolysis
Biochar Info Carbon negative Permanent carbon sink Reduces run-off, erosion, gaseous loss Decreases need for fossil fuels Slash and char is better than slash and burn Retains nutrients and enhances soil fertility Biochar is cheap and can be used on small or large scale
Social Efforts and Tradability Current effort: IBI is currently working on a project to develop and evaluate cost effective approaches in order to introduce biochar to six developing countries. Kyoto Protocol: (Dec. 11, 1997) targets industrialized countries for high levels of emissions, sets rules and regulations for environmental future. –Three mechanisms: Emission Trading Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Joint Implimentation (JI) Options for Trading Carbon for Developed Nations: –Spend money to cover the costs of cutting emissions or else they can continue polluting the atmosphere but pay someone else to cut their emissions. Cap and Trade: Developed nations can trade amongst themselves