1 Welcome to Fall Youth Recruiting 2013 “Changes…they are a coming”
Who remembers… Eagle Scouts before the Eagle Project The Viking Council When women were not allowed to be leaders When Lion was a rank after Bear Red Berets for official scout hats Metal canteens instead of water bottles One deep leadership The Rabbit Raising Merit Badge 2
Unit Goals In the past each unit has been given a Fall Youth Recruitment Goal or FYR Goal. This goal was an incentive to recruit a certain number new scouts into your unit. It did not focus on retention or existing scouts. Starting 2013 the Council has decided to set Total Youth in Unit goals or TYU Goal. 3
TYU Goals A TYU goal is the total number of scouts a unit has at year end on 12/31. This is the number of scouts before recharter. This number will reflect Webelos who have crossed over and boys who have turned 18 and aged out. This number is based on historical unit data and current trends in that units membership. The goal is designed to increase the number of youth in the unit each year. This goal will help to place equal emphasis on retention and recruiting, as well as placing the focus on year round efforts, rather then at only certain times of the year. 4
How to calculate your TYU effort Each January you will be given your new years TYU goal. This number is your target for 12/31. Below is an example of how this is accomplished: PACK 123 Total Youth in Unit 12/31/13—50-Goal based on this number. TYU Goal—55 scouts 12/31/14 Recharter 1/1/14—40 scouts-( includes 10 Webelos II who will crossover) Recruit 25 new scouts. To minimize size of goal it will be critical to minimize dropped scouts. 5
How the District displays your progress The District web site will display YTD % to goal list by unit and Total New Scouts Recruited thermometers throughout the year. These will be updated weekly. 6
Goal Status Explained The % to Goal list will show how your unit is doing in relationship to its goal. This number will change as new applications are received and entered into the national database. The new Scouts Recruited Thermometer will show total new scouts recruited as the year moves along and applications are submitted to the national database. 7
Benefits of the TYU Goal System This system encourages a focus on both retention and recruiting. Recruiting efforts are now year round, instead of just once or twice a year. You will have almost an entire year to work towards and exceed your goal. You can design your recruiting and retention efforts to meet the needs of your squad/unit more easily. 8
Unit Incentive This year the incentive for each unit that meets or exceeds its goal by 11/29/13 is this very nice jacket. This jacket will be awarded to the Unit Youth Recruitment Chair listed in the UTS. You must have a Unit Youth Recruitment Chair in the UTS by 8/31/13 to be eligible. You must also have your FYR event listedin the UTS by 8/31/13 to qualify. 9
Unit Tool Box System--UTS The Unit Tool Box has many features and benefits. One of those is the ability to record your event date, and order promotional materials. Make sure you have your event entered, your Unit Youth Recruitment Chair assigned, and materials ordered by 8/15 to ensure you get them in time. See Amy Ziegler in the back of the room for help in getting this done tonight. 10
Fall Recruiting Event Guidelines Hold event on a Tuesday or Thursday (historically the best week nights to conduct recruiting). Never hold the Youth Recruitment in combination with a pack meeting or other activity. Sign up event is a window of time (6:30 – 8:30) with a follow-up parent orientation at the first pack meeting or separate parent meeting. Training opportunities should be shared with new leaders at the orientation. 11
Fall Recruiting Event Guidelines Continued… Pack trainer meets with new leaders to coach them on This is Scouting, Youth Protection Training (mandatory within 30 days of adult leader registration) and position specific training. If possible contact the your local scout shop and see if they will attend the meeting with a mobile scout shop, selling uniforms, handbooks, neckerchiefs, etc.. This helps to make your event a one stop shop for all things scouting. 12
No School Left Behind! We are making a major push this year to make sure every single school in our District has been approached and hopefully recruited from. Our web site has a comprehensive list all schools and their pack affiliations. Some packs are being asked to approach schools they have never recruited from before. Please check the list and make sure you have a plan for each school. 13
Lion Cubs—No Longer a Pilot Lion Cubs are officially mandatory for all Packs. You must offer the Lion Program within your unit. Resources are available on the Lake Minnetonka web site to help show you how to set up the program. We have people who are willing to visit with your unit and assist in the setting up of the program for those who need it. 14
Troop Recruiting This fall all Troops are being asked to recruit new scouts. These scouts are to be in addition to any scouts your unit received via cross-over. Ideally each Troop should recruit 5 new scouts. We have created a Power Point presentation to aid your efforts this fall. 15
Scout Extravaganza November 16 The Extravaganza is back, and it will be better then ever. Use this event as a way to supplement your other recruiting efforts. This cannot replace your FYR event. This a great event for peer to peer recruiting, especially on the Troop side. Make sure this event is on your unit calendar and you attend with potential scouts. 16
The Squad Approach We have several of our units participating in the squad program again this year and we also have Troops and Packs working together. Squads will continue to be encouraged and developed. Hopefully they will also be used in other areas besides recruiting. I will be happy to discuss the program on a one-to- one basis later in the evening. 17
THANK YOU! Questions? Comments? 18