2 nd Australian – European Lawyers’ Conference 2 & 3 October 2009 Berlin, Humboldt University Hosted by the European Focus Group of the Law Council of Australia, the Law School of the Humboldt University and the German – Australian Pacific Lawyers’ Association
Program 1.Federalism A review of the federal structure of European countries and the latest reforms The future of Australian federalism – outcomes from the 20/20 Summit and the Future of Federalism Conference 2.Investment Investing in Germany: surprises and difficulties for Australian companies and their legal advisors Investing in Australia: surprises and difficulties for European companies and their legal advisors 3.Carbon Trading Carbon Trading in Germany: Lessons to be learnt for Australia? On the brink of trading in Australia: Risks and chances for investors. 4.Alternative Dispute Resolution Judges from Australia will present an Australian Court scenario via videoconference. Mediation and the Art of Regulation 5.Panel Discussions
Speakers 1.Confirmed Speakers: Mr John Corcoran, President, Law Council of Australia Professor Dr Bernd Reinmueller, President, UIA Dr Michael Rosenthal, President, German – Australian – Pacific Lawyers’ Association Professor Nadja Alexander, Bond University Dr Wolfgang Babeck, Special Counsel, DibbsBarker Professor Alexander Blankenagel, Humboldt University Mr Thomas John, Convenor, European Focus Group, Law Council of Australia Ms Mary Walker, Barrister, Sydney 2.Invited Speakers: Ms Brigitte Zypries, Minister for Justice, Germany Mr Matthias Machning, Secretary, Department of Environment, Germany Mr Robert Heslett, Vice President, Law Society of England & Wales Mr Andrew Hudson, Partner, Hunt & Hunt Lawyers, Melbourne Mr Peter Rasmussen, Austrade
Mr Hendryk Flaegel International Law Section Law Council of Australia GPO Box 1989 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Phone: Contact