Applied English Course Syllabus and Expectations
Contact Information Website: (use Parkland website, find staff) ol/MrsTessitore Phone: x72115 Room: B115
Course Goals Critical Thinking: The ability to apply reasoning to unfamiliar ideas, opinions, and situations. It involves seeing things in an open- minded way and allows us to look past our own views of the world and better understand the opinions of others. Communication: professionalism; articulation Collaboration: not just cooperation Creativity: transcending traditional ideas
Course Description Content includes concepts necessary to improve communication skills that are necessary in the 21 st century. Focus on clarity, accuracy, and conciseness of communication. Contemporary problems in society are discussed in relationship to course content and teacher discretion.
Course Units Review of literary devices Selection of short fiction (literary devices in practice) Hamlet, William Shakespeare (play, modern translation) Excerpts from Into The Wild, by Jon Krakauer (non-fiction) Selection of various non-fiction (articles, letters, etc.) a long way gone, Ishmael Beah (memoir) Selection of Dystopian literature and fairy tales Independent Reading Selection (self-selected novel/non- fiction) OR The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho Rhetoric (the art of persuasion) Senior Reflections (creative writing project)
Vocabulary and Grammar 10 vocabulary units from Vocabulary and Composition (IV) and/or Membean online vocabulary development Vocabulary in-context Review of Literary Devices and Elements Grammar Practice / Review
Grade Determination ~20% Vocabulary ~20% Literature tests/quizzes ~20% Writing assignments (including constructed responses) ~20% Projects, class-work ~20% Class participation/preparation
Participation / Professionalism Grade (twice per marking period)
Conduct: The RULE (only one!) R E S P E C T Respect Yourself—Do your best, be honest, act with integrity and maturity Respect Others—Classmates and staff. No bullying/intimidation/humiliation. No sidebar conversations, please. Take responsibility for your actions; in other words, do things that will not prevent me from teaching, and you or others from learning.
The Room (B115) Please don’t move your seat or rearrange desks. If there’s a problem, see me privately. Back table: crates, folders, pencils, handouts Side board: assignments/dates Recycling, tissues, windows, etc.
Arrival and Departure Arrival: Promptly retrieve your folder from the crate on the back desk. Read Agenda on the front board to see what we are doing in class that day. Follow instructions for handouts, etc. Departure: Please wait until one minute before the bell before you get up to return your folders. DO NOT loiter by the door.
Hall Pass Teacher’s discretion Please ask permission (security purposes) Please sign in and out (security purposes) Timing is everything No more than 5 minutes, or privilege revoked Not during instruction or reading No revolving door / re-lay play
Punctuality & Absences When you are late, I will record you as late. 3+ lates = referral Class cuts = Zero for unexcused work, docked participation/professionalism points Missed work from an absence will be in your folder. Check website / Home Access regularly (calendar, assignments, due dates).
Participation Please stay awake If you’re not feeling well, go to the nurse Be involved (it’s professional ) Actively listen if you tend to be more quiet Work to the best of your ability!