Mixtures and Solutions 5.5CD Engage Introduction Student will create a mixture out of popcorn and water to explore its properties and possible separation methods.
Materials Air popped popcorn Clear plastic cup Water
Procedure/Questions Air pop some unbuttered popcorn before class - Place ½ a cup of fresh popcorn in a paper sack - Cook in the microwave for 3-4 minutes Give each group of students a large pile of popcorn. Fill the clear glass with water until it is 1 cm from the top. Introduction Student will create a mixture out of popcorn and water to explore its properties and possible separation methods. Ask: How much popcorn do you think you can fit into the glass without spilling any water?
Procedure/Questions Let students put the popcorn into the water one kernel at a time Remind the students to count and record each kernel. Introduction Student will create a mixture out of popcorn and water to explore its properties and possible separation methods.
Procedure/Questions The kernels will dissolve in the water Introduction Student will create a mixture out of popcorn and water to explore its properties and possible separation methods. Ask: What happened to the popcorn? What changed and what stayed the same?
Procedure/Questions Introduction Student will create a mixture out of popcorn and water to explore its properties and possible separation methods. Ask: How could we separate the popcorn from the water? Briefly discuss student ideas Tell the students that they will be exploring process of making and separating different mixtures.
What would you like to explore about creating and separating mixtures? Introduction Student will create a mixture out of popcorn and water to explore its properties and possible separation methods.