COMPANY HINZ Company Organisation for health care Established 1886 HINZ company headquarters located in Berlin 250 Employees Company is represented by 14 general representatives in Germany and Europe Austria Switzerland Czech Republic Poland The Netherlands Cologne Hamburg Bielefeld Frankfurt Mannheim Stuttgart Munich Nuremberg Bayreuth Berlin Hanover
4 Product Ranges HINZ DOKU HINZ DOKU Documentation System for Health and Medical Care HINZ MOBILE HINZ MOBILE Carriage and Furniture for Ward Use HINZ PRINT HINZ PRINT Forms- From Planning to Final Printing HINZ ONLINE HINZ ONLINE Integrated Systems Solutions for Health Care Software and Service
HINZ has two clinical partners in the ICNP project: University Hospital of Hanover Tumorklinik Freiburg Co-operation with clinical partners
Background HINZ has been active in the health care sector for many decades and is one of the market leaders for patient records. The NANCY system evolved on the basis of this experience and a long-term development period involving partners from clinical practice. NANCYNANCY is an: information, planning, organisational, documentation and communications system for the nursing and medical sector. IntergrationIntegration into all types of hospital information HL7systems is possible via a standardised HL7 interface using a communication server. DesignThe system has a modular design, enabling individual users to integrate particular NANCY components required into their overall systems. NANCY
NANCY Module Nursing catalogues* Individual nurse plannning* Reporting and documentation* Ward / Outpatient Communication Order and Result/Diagnosis Correlation *ICNP-relevant
Phenomena event/condition Aims expected outcome Actions intervention External catalogues ICNP Medical standards plans Nursing standards plans NANCY - Catalogues
The ICNP can be imported into this catalogue browser Phenomena event/condition Aims expected outcome Actions intervention External catalogues ICNP Medical standards plans Nursing standards plans
When loading a new ICNP version, all the data records that are replaced are marked accordingly (version name in the respective field). Data records which are no longer needed when a new version is loaded are not automatically removed. These data records are displayed differently (red lettering), so that the respective references can be found and implemented manually (identification by comparing the particular version with that of the parent). Phenomena event/condition Aims expected outcome Actions intervention External catalogues ICNP Medical standards plans Nursing standards plans
ICNP BrowserClassification number Classification term Classification definition ICNP version date
A search function, according to number, name or definition, is also available. Browsing/ navigating through the different levels However, the search word must be contained in the text. When the search word is not the beginning of a text, an asterix must first be entered. Search function
Phenomena event/state NANCY catalogue browser Selected phenomenon ICNP browser Phenomena step 1 Connected ICNP phenomena
Phenomena step 2 Phenomena event/state NANCY catalogue browser Selected phenomenon Selection criteria judgement frequency duration topology body site likelihood beneficiary
Action step 1 Action NANCY catalogue browser Selected action
Connected ICNP action ICNP browser Action step 2 Action NANCY catalog browser Selected action
Action step 3 Action catalog browser action type location material aims target topology means route beneficiary time ICNP:
NANCY material browser ICNP material browser connected ICNP material
how what who aim condition key condition SOP / Standard / Guideline
what when aim condition diagnose components SOP / Standard- Plan / Guideline - Plan phenomena
green = ok red = no plan Status to Planning
intervention action filters aim diagnost. therapeut. Diagnose intervention action aim phenomenon
Data - connection Phenomenon aim Aim- direction Intervention aim Contra- indication Aim
Department Age Group: ~ ADL ~ Orem DRG´s ICNP Data- parameter
intervention action filters aim diagnost. therapeut. Diagnose intervention action aim phenomenon
ICNP search Care planning Phenomena Phenomenon Aim Action
Record action overview done next action danger not done unplanned done future