JEOPARDY! Unit XIII Mr. H. Mayo Mrs. B. Merritt American History II
LeadersVocabulary Pacific Battles & Asia European & African Battles Hodge- podge Odds and Ends Home Front FINAL JEOPARDY
Who was the European dictator who came to power by being appointed? 100
Adolph Hitler People
Who was the military leader who planned the Allied forces ’ D-Day invasion? 200
General Dwight D. Eisenhower People BONUS
Bonus:. Who was the Japanese leader during World War II
Emperor Hirohito People
Who was the leader who ruled the Soviet Union with an iron hand? 300
Joseph Stalin People
Who was the person who said of the Pearl Harbor bombing that “ December 7, 1941 is a day that will live in infamy ” ? 400
President Franklin D. Roosevelt People
Who was the American general who stated “ I shall return ” ? 500
General Douglas MacArthur People
What term describes the strategy in which troops would attack and seize certain islands? 100
Island Hopping Vocabulary
What is the withdrawal from world affairs called that will keep the US from joining the league of nations? 200
Isolationism Vocabulary
What term describes the systematic and purposeful destruction of racial, religious, or cultural group? 300
Genocide Vocabulary
What term describes the killing of more than 6 million Jews by the Nazis? 400
The Holocaust Vocabulary
What term means “ lightning war ” ? 500
Blitzkrieg Vocabulary BONUS
Bonus: What did Hitler call his Nazi policy towards the murder and horrible treatment of Jews?
The Final Solution Vocabulary
What occurred on December 7, 1941 and brought the United States into World War II? 100
Bombing of Pear Harbor Pacific Battles and Asia
What battle was the turning point in the Pacific where the United States navy destroyed a larger Japanese naval force? 200
The Battle of Midway Pacific Battles and Asia
Where did General MacArthur promise to return? 300
The Philippines Pacific Battles and Asia
Why was the decision made to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima? 400
To save American lives and shorten the war Pacific Battles and Asia
What battle lasted only a month and was located 750 miles from Tokyo? 500
The Battle of Iwo Jima Pacific Battles and Asia
What event started World War II? 100
The German invasion of Poland European & African Battles
What was the last German offensive of the war which opened up Germany for invasion after their defeat? 200
The Battle of the Bulge European & African Battles
During what battle were German forces were stopped just short of seizing Egypt and the Suez Canal by the British? (This defeat stops Hitler from gaining access to Middle Eastern oil supplies and attacking USSR from the South.) 300
El Alamein European & African Battles BONUS
Bonus: What name is given to the allied forces ’ invasion of France at Normandy in 1944?
D-Day European & African Battles
What battle was the turning point in the war on the eastern front? (It stops Hitler from seizing Oil fields USSR. Germany will lose hundreds of thousands of its finest soldiers.) 400
Battle of Stalingrad European & African Battles
What nation did Italy take in 1936 despite warnings from the League of Nations? 500
Ethiopia European & African Battles
Name the three Axis powers. 100
Germany, Italy, Japan Hodgepodge
Who wrote four letters to FDR informing him of the possibilities of recent research on uranium? 200
Albert Einstein Hodgepodge
What agreement best illustrates the policy of Appeasement? 300
Munich Pact Hodgepodge
What agreement, signed by Roosevelt and Churchill, outlined the war goals of their countries? 400
Atlantic Charter Hodgepodge
To help farmers in the Southwest with their crops during the war, the US instituted which program? 500
Bracero Program Hodgepodge
What law provided arms and other supplies to non-Axis countries in exchange for military bases in Bermuda and the Caribbean? 100
Lend-Lease Act Odds and Ends
What country ’ s soldiers committed suicide rather than surrender? 200
Japan Odds and Ends
What area was affected by the Munich Pact? 300
The Sudetenland Odds and Ends
African Americans were encouraged to join the war effort in order to achieve? ? 400
Double V Odds and Ends
What is the name of the set of trials in which Nazi leaders and others were convicted of war crimes? 500
Nuremburg Trials Odds and Ends BONUS
Bonus: Name four German concentration camps.
Auschwitz, Treblinka, Buchenwald, Belsen Odds and Ends
What happened in the area of job opportunities for women during World War II? 100
Women gained many employment opportunities Home Front
What law provided financial assistance to veterans who wanted to buy a house or start a business? 200
The G.I. Bill Home Front
What do the Holocaust, segregation of black troops and imprisonment of Nisei have in common? 300
Prejudice and discrimination Home Front
What impact did World War II have on the Great Depression? 400
Workers got jobs in defense factories Home Front
What was the ruling in Korematsu v. United States? 500
Japanese-Americans could be sent to relocation centers Home Front BONUS
Bonus: Where was the first atomic bomb built and tested? ?
Los Alamos, New Mexico Home Front
FINAL JEOPARDY: List 4 features that were involved in Hitler ’ s rise to power? answer
Revenge, Economic problems, “ Master race, ” Treaty of Versailles The End