Cronos By Daniel Caruso 3/9/10 By Daniel Caruso 3/9/10
Cronos’ Life Messenger tells Cronos that one his sons would take over his throne. Every time he had a son he would eat them so his throne wouldn’t be taken. Rhea doesn’t like Cronos eating his sons so she gives birth to Zeus without him knowing. G When Cronos finds out he challenges Zeus to a battle. G Zeus ends up winning and giving Cronos a posion so Hades, Hera, Demeter and Poseidon come out. G Then Zeus gets the throne. Messenger tells Cronos that one his sons would take over his throne. Every time he had a son he would eat them so his throne wouldn’t be taken. Rhea doesn’t like Cronos eating his sons so she gives birth to Zeus without him knowing. G When Cronos finds out he challenges Zeus to a battle. G Zeus ends up winning and giving Cronos a posion so Hades, Hera, Demeter and Poseidon come out. G Then Zeus gets the throne.
Cronos’ Sons and Daughters Son’s G Zeus (God of Sky) G Poseidon (God of Water) G Hades (God of the Underworld) Son’s G Zeus (God of Sky) G Poseidon (God of Water) G Hades (God of the Underworld) Daughter’s G Hera (God of Marriage) G Demeter (God of Harvest)
Cronos’ Family Tree
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Credits Pictures and Animations- Microsoft Presentation- Daniel Caruso Music- Can’t Tell Me Nothing- By Kanye West god- Cronos Pictures and Animations- Microsoft Presentation- Daniel Caruso Music- Can’t Tell Me Nothing- By Kanye West god- Cronos