Title of Graduation Project Topic: Senior Boards Presentation Your Name (Honors) English IV Ms. Bass
Attention Getter Have an interesting fact, question, image, or anecdote relating to your topic to capture the audience’s attention. Presentation Night: You will only have key words, phrases, or images to remind you what to “hit on” during your presentation. You will not have sentences for each of the following slides. You will NOT read from the power point but simply glance at the slide and then look at the audience and as you discuss each point. No gum, watch your grammar, no giggling, no fidgeting hands or swaying Be confident, enthusiastic, and proud! Smile! Speak with appropriate volume and pace! Maintain good posture (no hands in pockets, no swaying, no leaning on podium, etc.)
Topic Selection Why did you choose this topic (interest, background, etc.)? Feel free to add images (from the web or digital images from your graduation project) throughout the presentation. Keep the fonts, color, and slides simple and easy to read. Avoid lengthy passages and “loud” background and font colors/styles.
Research Findings Where did you find your research (media center, local libraries, interviews, books, internet, etc.) Statement of your thesis-1 sentence Brief definition/history of topic- 1 sentence Brief overview of “heart” of research (important skills, abilities, types, processes, techniques, requirements) 3-5 statements Brief overview of positive/negative aspects of this topic based on your research. 1 pos. 1 neg.
Mentor Who was your mentor (name, business, years of experience)? How did you find your mentor? How did your mentor help you? How did you collaborate with your mentor? What different modes of communication did you use (e-mail, phone, job shadow, etc.) Do NOT state anything negative about your mentor. Remember that these individuals volunteer their time and resources to work with seniors.
Overview of Product What is your product? How did you decide on this product? How does it relate to your research? Show your product at this point (video clip, tangible object, brochure, reference scrap book, etc.) DO NOT Turn your back to the judges. Look at the them as you explain your product. Explain the processes and techniques of completing your product. How did you do it? How much time did you spend on it?
Personal Experiences What emotions did you experience as you worked through the paper, product, portfolio, and this presentation? What are the three most interesting things that you learned about your topic through the research or product?
Impact of Graduation Project Looking to the future, how did each element of the graduation project help prepare you for the future? The paper The product The portfolio The presentation
Challenges and Obstacles Specifically describe any failures or challenges that you encountered. Explain things that you would “do over” or do differently if you had the chance. Did you grow from these challenges? Consider the paper, product, and portfolio.
Successful Moments Specifically describe any successful moments from this project. Consider the paper, product, portfolio, and presentation.
Concluding Thoughts: Personal Growth Overall, how have you grown from this experience? What advice would you give to future seniors concerning the Graduation Project? How did the project affect your plans for the future?
Thank You Thank the judges for their time!
Questions Ask if there are any questions. Be prepared to answer questions with confidence and an appropriate tone. This is part of your grade! Do not delete any of the slides from this presentation. All are required to receive a “passing” grade on the state presentation rubric.