Building a shared and coherent vision Scenarios for education
TitleScenarios for Education Objectives Using future scenarios to prepare for changing futures Creating personal scenarios for your school’s possible future Guidance Scenarios are used regularly in business to help organisations plan for alternate futures through reformed processes. It is a way of building a vision without the constraints of the present by really trying to be creative and innovative in thinking about what is possible. Really try and encourage ’blue skies’ thinking for this activity. Group SizeBetween 10 and 20, working mostly in pairs of groups of 3 Resources This PowerPoint Word guide One Note supporting document Future Scenarios (OECD link, Institute for the Future Map of Future Forces link, Vision 2020 link)link Timing Explore the scenario examples (1. 15 hours) Describe your school’s future successes ( 1.30 hours) Extract possible project ideas to attain the vision ( 2 hours) Outputs1.Analysed scenario examples 2.Visions for the future of your school Workshop Overview
Why use scenarios?
A tool for strategic planning A scenario is a story or set of stories that describe a possible future Scenarios are intended to form a basis for strategic conversation - they are not intended to be future aims necessarily Why use scenarios?
STEEP Factors Consider the following factors to guide your brainstorming: S = Social Factors T = Technological Factors E = Economical Factors E = Environmental Factors P = Political Factors
Read through your allocated support document –Vision 2020Vision 2020 –Futurelab 2020Futurelab 2020 –Horizon ReportHorizon Report –Institute for the FutureInstitute for the Future Share your feedback with the group on the general thoughts/ ideas of your support document Work in groups of 3 or 4 to build a scenario for each of the following perspectives The key is to think without restraint, leave your current constraints behind Workshop tasks
What do I want to learn? How do I want to learn? Who do I want to learn from/ with? What else do I want from my school? 2020 student
What do I teach? Where do I teach? Who do I teach? How do I assess? What do I assess? What else do I do for the school? 2020 teacher
What is our role? Who are our customers? Who are we responsible for? Who are we accountable to? How do we sustain ourself? 2020 school
Imagine it is the year 2020 You have been asked to speak at an international conference on key achievements of your school in each of the areas of your scenario work so far What will you talk about? Prepare statements in groups and then feedback Add you scenarios and statements to the One Notre workbook Next steps