OneNote Classroom Notebook A Three-Part Digital Notebook for your Class
OBJECTIVES Teachers will learn the different parts of OneNote Classroom Notebook Teachers will install the OneNote Classroom App Teachers will create a OneNote Classroom Notebook Teachers will insert Handouts in the Content Library Teachers will learn how to share a classroom notebook with students Teachers will learn the basics of Office 365
OneNote Classroom Notebook Only been since Dec. OneNote is FREE OneNote Classroom Notebook app is not MUST have a 365 Account to download the app—(all students and teachers have an account) What this means for the teacher is that you have a notebook that you can share with your students
Break Down of What Classroom Notebook Looks like THINK BEFORE YOU CREATE
Part One is the Collaboration Space An area that students and teachers can all access and collaborate in. Students have rights to add/delete and work with other students Teachers and Students Can View— Project Based Learning
Part Two is the Content Library This is where the teacher can put any materials that they want their students to have. It can not be modified by students, they can view, or copy and paste into their individual sections. This area is where you can distribute test, assignments and other course materials. Teachers Edit—Students View
Part Three is the Student’s Notebook: This is a private space only the teacher and the student can access. There is a tab for each student. Each student only sees her tab—teacher sees all tabs Teacher can click on a student tab and see what they are doing in their notebook in real time. Teachers view all student notebooks—student only sees theirs
Log on to your Office 365 Account click on employee on left or Log in using your and 32# Click on App Launcher My Appls ClassNoteBook (notice that all the online icons are white!!!!) that’s how you tell the different between online and the real program installed on your computer.) Right Click and pin to app launcher
Click on Create a class notebook Name your new notebook, and then click Next. Tip We recommend that you create a separate notebook for each class. For example, if you teach multiple Spanish 2 classes, create a notebook for each class. Give each notebook a unique name that is easy for you and your students to identify. You might name the notebooks “Spanish 2 P1” for your 1st period class, “Spanish 2 P2” for your 2nd period class, and so on. Note Each notebook you create must have a unique name, and it cannot contain these characters # / * ? " | :. % ' \.
Create a Notebook—Step 1 Give it a name. THINK BEFORE YOU DO. It’s not easy to rename it. Add a few students. (then later we will add more). Can always come back and add more—the same way you created the notetook. Log on to your 365 account (via ), click on app launcher. If you want to delete a student you will do it within the notebook. Right click on tab and delete. It’s permanent, so might not want to do that—students have a tendency to return. Name your new notebook, and then click Next. Tip We recommend that you create a separate notebook for each class. For example, if you teach multiple Spanish 2 classes, create a notebook for each class. Give each notebook a unique name that is easy for you and your students to identify. You might name the notebooks “Spanish 2 P1” for your 1st period class, “Spanish 2 P2” for your 2nd period class, and so on. Note Each notebook you create must have a unique name, and it cannot contain these characters # / * ? " | :. % ' \.
Notebook Overview Step 2
Step 3 Add an additional teacher Optional
Step 4 Add Your Students
Step ONCN—OneNote Classroom Notebook
Not recommended to change names of _Collaboration Space and_Content Library. __ is there so that it will appear first. Otherwise will be alphabetized with student names 4 Categories that come out of the box are: Handouts, Class Notes, Homework, Quizzes You can uncheck and add your own. (example science teacher—labs) Think of what you require students to have in their paper notebook. THINK BEFORE YOU DO!!!. ONCE A NOTEBOOK IS CREATED, YOU CAN NOT GO BACK AND ADD A SECTION—ALTHOUGH YOU CAN GET THE STUDENTS TO ADD IT. If elementary—might have sections for each subjects. Then have pages. If middle school I would have one notebook for each class I taught. Build one content library for each course—then copy into another section. That way your students will not all be grouped into one classroom notebook.
Where did my notebook go?????????????