ONENOTE ST CENTURY LEARNING TOOLS Tips and tools for working with OneNote in the Classroom
Why are we here? I am here today to introduce you to OneNote, which is part of the Microsoft Office 2010 package. This software comes installed on the laptops that we use, and the Netbook computers issued to students.
What is OneNote? The concept of OneNote is quite difficult to understand before you actually have a chance to sit down and use it. The software itself is really quite simple, just think of it as a digital notebook. OneNote is an efficient way to organise your information, plan your daily tasks, and collaborate your work with others. Gather your notes and information in one place Back up your valuable information Find information more quickly Work together more effectively
But isn’t it just a fancy Microsoft Word? REMEMBER OneNote Notebooks Tabs Pages Interface The beauty of using a product from the Microsoft office suite is that there is a lot of commonality between the interface. Word serves a completely different purpose than OneNote. Here’s a god way to think of it: OneNote notebooks are designed for collecting, organizing and sharing possibly unpolished materials, typically for projects, and lessons Word processors such as Microsoft Word are usually targeted at publishing a final version of a document.
How will OneNote help me? It will allow us to store our information, and communicate and collaborate more efficiently with our peers. OneNote can serve as a storage location for all of your notes, facts, answers, and miscellaneous information that you might need during your lesson. You can also use OneNote to more efficiently plan for learning and teaching
A Walkthrough Your teacher will now walk you through the software interface, please give your full attention.
Activities – The Basics 1.How to set up a notebook 2.How to add notes 3.How to ‘pimp out’ your notebook (Tags, Text, Highlights) 4.How to integrate other files into your notebook 5.How to search your notes 6.How to collaborate with others 7.Adding tags to your notes 8.Searching through notes
Activities – Set up your Notebooks 1.Demonstration – A demonstration of a Notebook set up for a replacement teacher (Lesson Plans) 2.Walkthrough - Set up Notebooks for lessons and units of work 3.Example – A basic learning activity using OneNote 4.Example – A collaborative lesson using OneNote