O NE N OTE – G ETTING S TARTED What is it and why do I want to use this software?
A GENDA / G OALS Give an overview of OneNote Preview OneNote’s “special features” Work and experiment with OneNote Discuss how OneNote can be and is being used in the classroom.
W HAT IS O NE N OTE ? Digital Notebook / Multimedia Binder: Glorified note-taking application and day- planner with lots of bells and whistles. Microsoft’s Pitch: “With Microsoft® Office OneNote™ 2007, you can take notes and share information more effectively, whether you're at your desk, in a meeting, or on the road. Gather research, take notes in a classroom or in a meeting, and keep your whole life in one place—your OneNote notebook.”
A DVANTAGES OF O NE N OTE Collects notes research lesson plans all in one place. Allows (ostensibly) for good organization of research/notes/lesson plans Search across all notes at once Easy to move notes around from one place to another Good integration with other Microsoft Products. Gives the Tablet PC more purpose.
T ABLET PC NLISD Teachers are receiving Interactive Tablets Rule lines helps OneNote recognize your handwriting more easily. You don't have to convert your handwritten notes to typed text in order to search them.
P OWER T OYS PowerToys are additional programs that developers work on after a product has been released to manufacturing. PowerToys for OneNote are free downloads that add functionality to the OneNote experience. Send to OneNote from Internet Explorer Send to OneNote from Outlook ( ) OneNote ImageWriter Web Page To OneNote Power Point to OneNote Palm2OneNote
O NE N OTE S TRUCTURE Notebook Sections Pages Subpages Click on File> New to add a new Page, Section, or Notebook
O NE N OTE B ASIC F UNCTIONALITY Default notebooks – Work – Personal Drag and drop between notebooks or sections Rename, delete, share, or password protect any component
A UTO S AVE Save and Save as are missing! Autosaves every modified component daily Saves two previous versions
T AKING N OTES : Type on the blank page Keeps information in text containers You can add Notes Pictures Drawings Tables Files Ink Notes (Tablet PC) Moving Notes on a Page Click on a note Container to move notes around Hold Down the shift key to merge two notes together Resize using the double arrow
I NTERNET RESEARCH When you copy text from a Web page and paste it into OneNote, the URL of the source page is included for you
I NSERT A FILE ON A PAGE Find your file, copy and paste or drag and drop the file onto the page Also, you can go to the Insert menu, choose File, and then choose the file you wish to insert.
I NSERT S CREEN I MAGES Press the Windows logo key + S Select an area of your screen using the mouse The screen clipping is automatically inserted into a separate OneNote Window. You can Paste the screen clipping onto a particular page in OneNote, put the cursor where you want the clipping, then, on the Insert menu, click Screen Clipping. In Windows taskbar you can change options for screen clippings. Right click on the OneNote icon, go to Options.
S EARCH FOR N OTES You can search your notes for key words. Search across all notes
T AGS Tags help you locate items To view all notebook tags, click View- All Tagged Items Find the Tag toolbar button and click the drop- down arrow, or click Insert- Tag. On the same drop down menu click Show All Tagged Notes. You will see the tagged notes in the list, in addition to tags from other notebooks.
I NTERNET S ITES FOR A DDITIONAL H ELP Get started with Microsoft Office OneNote us/onenote/HA aspx Learn about the basics of using OneNote g.aspx?AssetID=RC Education Online for Computers ogs/post/microsoft_office_training_tutorial/2596/ onenote-2007-tutorials Do a Google or Bing Search for Microsoft OneNote Tutorials for more helpful sites
O NE N OTE I DEAS Lesson Plans Assignments Lab Manuals SpEd note-taking modifications/accoma dations Absent students Laptops coming for teachers and students Personal Use