Major Key Signatures
Disclaimer Page Chorus is a TEAM It is my goal to have 100% of our team understanding these concepts. If you already know this stuff, pat yourself on the back, and find someone you can help. Don’t assume you have ALL information, listen with the intention of learning something new.
All songs have a key signature, which gives us the tonality of the song (major/minor). It also tells us where “do” is without having the black box. – If something is in “F Major,” then F is “do.” If it is in “A Major,” then A is “do.” Key signatures also tell us what notes are sharp and flat.
Key signatures appear between the clef sign and the time signature.
SHARPS signs RAISE a pitch up higher
Flats signs LOWERS a pitch
Look at WHERE on the staff the sharp or flat is placed to determine which notes are affected. Sharp is placed where the note F is, so all F’s are sharp
This time with flats… Flat is placed where the note B is, so all B’s are flat
Sharps are placed where the notes F, C, & G are, so all F’s, C’s, & G’s are sharp Flats are placed where the notes B, E, A, & D are, so all B’s, E’s, A’s, & D’s are flat
Key Signatures Affect ALL OCTAVES Example - if there is an F# in the key signature, then HIGH F and LOW F will be sharp.
What key are we in? For sharp key signatures… Look to the sharp sign all the way to the right. Figure out what note name that sharp is on. That note is “ti” in the scale. Go up one note to figure out what “do” would be. Whatever note name “do” is, is the name of the key.
What key are we in? For flat key signatures… Look to the flat sign all the way to the right. Figure out what note name that flat is on. That note is “fa” in the scale. Count down to “do.” FA – MI – RE – DO Whatever note name “do” is, is the name of the key. Generally, we add “flat” do the name of the key as well.
Memorize Flats in Order signs in order: B E A D G C F “BEAD … Go Catch Fish”
Or Memorize Sharps in Order signs in order: F C G D A E B “Fat Cows Gaze Dumbly At Every Body”
They’re Opposites! The sharps & flats in order are EXACT OPPOSITES! You only really need to memorize one of them! B E A D G CF F C G D A EB
If there are no sharps or flats, we are in C major
Questions? Do you want me to go back and review anything? Any tricks you know that I didn’t share?