1 Welcome to Welcome to International UHE Neutrino Workshop
2 Hesheng Chen Institute of High Energy Physics Beijing , China Scientific Activities at Institute High Energy Physics
3 Institute of High Energy Physics Comprehensive and largest fundamental research center in China For : – Particle physics – Accelerator technologies and applications – Synchrotron radiation technologies and applications 1030 employees, ~ 650 physicists and engineers, 400 PhD Students and postdoctors Established at 1950, and became an independent institute at 1973.
4 Research Divisions Experimental Physics center: BES, BESIII, CMS, Atlas… Particle Astrophysics Center : cosmic ray, astrophysics, neutrino physics, particle astrophysics… Theory Division: particle physics, nuclear physics, field theory, cosmology… Accelerator Center: BEPC, BEPCII, high power proton accelerator Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Lab. Nuclear Analysis Lab. Free Electron Laser Division Computer and Network Center Center of Hi-Tech R&D
5 Major Facilities Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPC) Beijing Spectrometer (BES) Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Observatory Beijing Free Electron Laser (BFEL) High Density Slow Positron Source
6 Outline Beijing Electron-Positron Collider Physics results from Beijing Spectrometer Non-Accelerator physics Synchrotron Radiation and application BEPCII Middle and Long term plan Summary
7 Bird’s Eye View of BEPC Bird’s Eye View of BEPC
8 BEPC constructed in 1984 –1988 with beam energy: 1 – 2.8 GeV –Physics Run : Luminosity cm -2 s 1.89GeV, 5 month/year –Synchrotron Radiation Run : 2.2 GeV, 3 month/year
9 The Beijing-Electron Positron Collider (BEPC)
10 Korea (4) Korea University Seoul National University Chonbuk National University Gyeongsang Nat. Univ. Japan (5) Nikow University Tokyo Institute of Technology Miyazaki University KEK U. Tokyo USA (4) University of Hawaii University of Texas at Dallas Colorado State University Stanford Linear Accelerator Center UK (1) Queen Mary University China (18) IHEP of CAS Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China Shandong Univ., Zhejiang Univ. Huazhong Normal Univ. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. Peking Univ., CCAST Wuhan Univ., Nankai Univ. Henan Normal Univ. Hunan Univ., Liaoning Univ. Tsinghua Univ., Sichuan Univ. Guangxi Univ., Guangxi Normal Univ. Jiangsu Normal Univ.
11 BES Main Physics Results from BES Precision measurement of mass: world average value changed by 3 , ccuracy improved by factor of 10, lepton universality R Measurement at 2-5GeV: R/R 15-20% →6.6% – Higgs mass prediction from SM – g-2 experiment – (M z 2 ) -1 : ±0.090 → ± Systematic study of (2S) and J/ decays. Obtain f Ds from Ds pure leptonic decay.
12 (10 6 ) World‘s largest J/ and data sample (10 6 ) More interesting physics results are expected. J/
13 Statistical Significance 7.7 BESII Preliminary BES: X(1835) in X(1835) 7.7 BESII Preliminary
14 LHC Experiments 1. CMS – 1/3 of CSC at muon end caps – HV boards for RPC – RPC of barrel muon (Beijing Univ.) – Physics and MC 2. Atlas – Drift Monitor chambers 3. LCG: Tier 2
15 Other Major research fields in IHEP 1. Non-Accelerator physics experiment – L3 Cosmic ray measurement – Yangbajing - Argo RPC carpet project – Hard X ray modulated Telescope satellite – ray burst detector – X-ray detector of Chinese Moon project. 2. Theoretical physics – Particle physics – Intermediate and high energy nuclear physics – Particle-astrophysics and cosmology – Field theory
16 Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Observatory ( a.s.l. 4300m ) IHEP-INFN RPC China-Japan Air Shower Array
17 AMS01 permanent magnet and structure were built at Beijing, and became the first big magnet in space as payload of Discovery June Search for antimatter and dark matter precision measurement of isotopes Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
18 Hard X-ray Modulate Telescope Satellite scan sky for point sources Charged particle shielding Collimator Crystals PMT Support structure
19 3. Accelerator technology – high luminosity e + e - collider – high power proton accelerator – application of low energy accelerators 4. Radiation technique and application –Synchrotron radiation –Free electron laser –Nuclear analysis techniques and its applications –Radiation protection 5. Nuclear detector and electronics Other Major research fields in IHEP
20 BEPC 4w1 Diffuse Scattering X-ray fluorescence analysis Topography 4B9 X-ray Diffraction Small angle scattering Photoemission SpectroscPopy 3B1 Lithography 3W1 Middle energy 4W1B 4W1A 4B9B 4B9A 3B1B 3B1A 3W1A 3W1B 4 wigglers and 13 beam lines. > 300 exp./year from > 100 institutions Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility 1W1A XAFS 1W1B High-pressure diffraction LIGA VUV Macromolecular 3B3 1w1 4w2 3B3 Soft X-ray Optics
21 SARS protein CoV M SARS protein CoV M pro Structure of MASA from MAD Structure of CRISP Protein Results from BSRF
22 Structure of third type of light–harvester protein. The structure diffraction data taken at BSRF.
23 2. BEPCII: High Lumi. Double–ring Collider Build new ring inside existing ring. Two half new rings and two half old rings cross at two IR’s, forming a double ring collider. BEPCII
24 BEPC II Double ring Design In the existing BEPC tunnel, add another ring, cross over at south and north points, two equal rings for electrons and positrons. Advanced double-ring collision technology. 93 bunches , total current > 0.9A in each ring. Collision spacing : 8 ns. In south, collision with large cross-angle ( ±11 mr ). Calculated luminosity : cm -2 s 3.78GeV of C.M. energy. Linac upgrade: e + 50mA/min., Full energy injection up to 1.89GeV In north cross point, connecting SR beam between two outer rings, in south cross point, use dipole magnet to bend the beam back to outer ring. SR run : 2.5 GeV. Major detector upgrade : BES III.
25 COLLIDERS FACTORIES SUPER FACTORIES e + -e - Colliders: Past, Present and Future C. Biscari, Workshop on e + e - in 1-2 GeV Range, September 10-13, 2003, Italy L (cm -2 s -1 ) E (GeV)
26 Adapt to high event rate of BEPCII: cm -2 s -1 and bunch spacing 8ns Reduce sys. errors to match high statistics photon measurement, PID… Increase acceptance MDC: small cell & He gas xy =130 m s p /p = dE/dx=6% EMCAL: CsI crystal E/E = GeV z = 0.5 cm/ E TOF: T = 100 ps Barrel 110 ps Endcap Magnet: 1 T Super conducting Muon ID: 9 layer RPC Trigger: Tracks & Showers Pipelined; Latency = 2.4 ms Data Acquisition: Event rate = 3 kHz Thruput ~ 50 MB/s BESIII detector BESIII detector
27 Schedule May – Oct. 04. : √ –Linac upgrade –BESII detector removing –Transformer system 630KW →1600KW Nov. 04 – June 05: Tuning and SR running √ July 05 – Sept. 06: Long shutdown –Remove existing ring –Install two rings –Cryogenics system ready for SC devices, field mapping Sept July. 07: Tuning of machine + SR running Aug. 07: BESIII detector moved into beam line Sept. 07 : Starting machine-detector tuning. Physics run by Autumn 2007
28 Middle and Long Term Plan of IHEP Chinese Government organizes a national wide effort to make middle and long term plan for Science and technology. IHEP is interested in several fields, specially for Particle physics, Particle Astrophysics Accelerator technology Synchrotron Radiation and applications Big science facilities Taking the advantage of BSRF and other facilities, IHEP should extent research fields to protein structure, nano-science, material science … → Multiple Sciences Research Center
29 Possible projects for Middle term Charm BEPCII Modulated hard X-ray telescope satellite Neutrino experiments: –Daya Bay Reactor neutrino to measure sin 2 2 13 –National underground Lab. –Very LBL oscillation experiment: J-Prac→ Beijing High power proton Accelerator: –Chinese Spallation Neutron Source 100KW→200 KW – Accelerator Driven Subcritical system Hard X-ray FEL Convert BEPC into dedicated SR source after BEPCII finished physics running
30 Parameterization of neutrino mixing 6 fundamental parameters in neutrino physics : Known : | m 2 32 |,sin 2 2 32 , m 2 21,sin 2 2 21 Unknown: sin 2 2 , , sign of m 2 32 Exp. : reactor VLBL oscillation Daya Bay Reactor J-Parc → Beijing Neutrino mixing parameters
31 Dayabay Nuclear Power Station
32 √ √
33 VLBL Experiment of J-PARC to Beijing V LBL experiment with km is very interesting to study many important physics: – Sign of the difference of mass square – τ appearance – CP violation of V LBL experiment from JHF to Beijing –Good tunnel: 20 km north of Beijing, near highway to Great Wall –The tunnel is 560 m long, 34 meter wide, 13 meter height, 150 m rock on top –Good infrastructure available –2200 km to JHF with 9.5 o dip angle
34 Thanks !