Initiated in 221 B.C., the Great Wall of China stretches for 10,000 Li (about 3,700 miles). The climb up is arduous, but the view is breathtaking.
This photo shows detail on a gate leading to the Yonghe Gong Lama Temple in Beijing. This exquisite work dates back to 1694.
Enjoying another rainy day in Beijing... this time in the Forbidden City. The steps in the photo lead to the first of many Imperial Halls within the palace grounds.
My team traveled to Ningbo City in Zhejiang Province where we spent 4 weeks teaching English skills to over 100 Chinese school teachers.
The pavement on the campus and the highway provided an excellent spot for farmers to dry rice. Once it was done drying, every kernel would be scooped and swept up!
Enjoying an American-style birthday celebration with a few of the students from my class.
On weekends our hosts would take us on fabulous trips that were sometimes...
Sometimes... We’re eating what?!?
Sometimes degree heat, no air conditioning, no hot water, no leg room-- No Problem!
And always... Tingxia Lake--from the backyard of the late Chiang Kai-shek’s home.
Neither distance nor time can separate true friends.