By : Spencer Lazarus and Jack Goodman The Long Wall By : Spencer Lazarus and Jack Goodman
Were going to take you on a long journey to China Were going to take you on a long journey to China. But…to the best place. The Great Wall of China. picture
Did you Know About Emporor Qin? Do you know about emporor Qin ? Qin invented the Great Wall of China. He is one of the greatest known emperors of China. Emporor Qin was the first emporor of China. Emporor Qin built the Great Wall of China from 220B.C to 206B.C.
How Long Is the Great Wall Of China? The exact measurement of the Great Wall Of China is 5,499 miles! That’s about 100,000 school buses lined up against each other. That’s a lot! The Great Wall is longer than walking from New York to California. It’s called the “long wall” because it is so long. In 2004, there were 41.8 million people that visited the Great Wall. This information is the same as a previous slide. Change it please.
What Did They Use To Defend The Great Wall Of China? The Great Wall needs protection. To protect the Great Wall Of China they used tools like: Axes, Sludge Hammers, Gunpowder, etc. They looked around for a good place to build the Great Wall Of China. Then they found a place that had several moats around it. They had used 500,000 commoners and over 300,000 soldiers to build the Great Wall Of China. Picture
Where Is The Great Wall The Great Wall Of China is in Beijing. The Great Wall is in the middle of Beijing. It stretches from the mountains to the middle of Beijing. Beijing is very long. Look on a map. Go to China. There will be a star directing you to Beijing. The Great Wall Of China Is In Beijing. Think about putting a map showing where Beijing is….
How Long Did It Take To Build The Great Wall Of China It took a long time to build the Great Wall. A lot of people died building the Great Wall Of China. It was very HOT and humid. It took over 1,500 years to build. A lot of people didn’t want to build the Great Wall Of China but they were forced to. Emporor Qin was the first emporor to build the Great Wall but other emperors came along to build the Great Wall. Picture