How To Clean Sewer Pipe Phone:
Cleaning a sewer pipe may be difficult. It is advisable to hire a sewer cleaning contractor for the best outcome.sewer cleaning contractor
How To Clean Sewer Pipe Locate a Cleanout Opening It is advisable to use a main drain cleanout when cleaning a sewer pipe. Main drain cleanout’s can be located on horizontal or vertical sewer pipes. They can be identified by a metal or plastic cap with a square fitting on the top.
Prepare Cleaning Equipment Prepare your cleaning equipment properly with safety in mind. If you are using electric equipment, plug it into a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) to prevent electric shock. If you are using a gas-powered pressure washer, attach a high- pressure extension hose between the pressure washer and spray wand. If you’re using a sewer jetter attachment, connect the jetter coupling to the power washer trigger gun.
Clean with a Sewer Jetter Insert the tip of the drain cleaner into the sewer opening. Make sure that the tip points in the direction of the clog. Feed in the sewer jetter hose as you squeeze the spray wand trigger. For effective cleaning, for every few feet, pull the hose back about and then continue moving forward.
Clean Up After your cleaning job is completed, clean the sewer jetter with the gentle nozzle of your pressure washer. If you find any damaged hose or fittings after your job, consider replacing them. Keep the coiled sewer jetter in your garage away form sunlight and children.
Sewer Cleaning Services in Yonkers, NY Central Sewer is a 24 hour full service sewer contractor with service vehicles equipped with the latest technologies in the sewer industry. With more than 35 years of experience, our trained professionals are here to service your sewer needs. If you need any emergency sewer services, contact us.
Central Sewer Sewer and Drain Cleaning Services 1767 Central Park Ave., Suite 231 Yonkers, NY Phone: