LibQUAL+ Finding the right numbers Jim Self Management Information Services University of Virginia Library ALA Conference Washington DC June 25, 2007
Initial Examination Focus on the separate user categories Faculty Undergraduates Graduate students Tally the number of responses 100+ needed in each category
UVa 2006 Responses per category Faculty Undergraduates Graduate students – 244 Library staff -- 74
The 22 core questions Examine the notebooks Scan results for each user category Scan the summary charts by dimension Rearrange the dimension charts Create thermometer graphs Question by question 22 bars for each user category Identify the red zones
Red Zones at UVa Journal Collections Faculty Grad Students Website Faculty Remote access Grad students
Following up with Journals Who is unhappy? Drill down by discipline and user category. Why are they unhappy? Read the comments Conduct targeted interviews
Among the 22 core questions, the most desired are: Faculty Journal collections 8.60 Web site 8.49 Grad Students Journal collections 8.61 Remote access 8.53 Undergrads Modern equipment 8.35 Comfortable and inviting location 8.29 Space that inspires study and learning 8.29
Among the 22 core questions, the least desired are: Faculty Community space for group learning 6.56 Quiet space for individual activities 7.03 Grad Students Community space for group learning 6.86 Giving users individual attention 7.27 Undergrads Giving users individual attention 7.06 Employees who instill confidence 7.30
Benchmarking with Peers: General Satisfaction Questions In general, I am satisfied with the way I am treated at the library. In general, I am satisfied with library support for my learning, research, and/or teaching. How would you rate the overall quality of the service provided by the library?
Thank you! Jim Self