Mitosis Pipe Cleaner Activity


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Presentation transcript:

Mitosis Pipe Cleaner Activity Biology Mrs. Stevens and Ms. Loy Mitosis Pipe Cleaner Activity

Use the diagram to fill out your mitosis worksheet. Use your colored pencils to represent the different chromosome pairs. Represent 2 pairs of chromosomes. Draw the different phases on your worksheet. You will use this as a guide when you start your pipe cleaner activity. Label the phases: Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis

Pipe Cleaner Activity Get a sheet of construction paper, pipe cleaners, glue, and scissors. You will need 2 different pipe cleaner colors to represent the different chromosome pairs. Use your Mitosis worksheet as a guide in helping you construct your pipe cleaner activity. Label each phase and explain what is happening in each.