Creating An AVID Binder
What kind of binder? You need a BIG 3 inch binder. Any color will do!
First thing in your binder is your supply pouch. In the supply pouch you should have: *at least 3 sharpened pencils *glue stick *colored pencils *scissors *at least 1 eraser
Second thing in your binder should be your planner. Planners should be written in every day and have a parent signature every night!
Third thing in your binder is divided tabs. Each subject has a certain color so it helps to have colored tabs. *Reading/ELA is BLUE *Math is RED *Science is GREEN *History is ORANGE or YELLOW
After your dividers you need about 50 sheets of notebook paper.
At the end of your notebook you will need to have 2 spirals that you will use to help you with work at home. *You need a BLUE reading spiral And *You need a RED math spiral
Homework and teacher handouts: Any homework papers or teacher handouts you are given are to be placed in the binder rings behind the colored subject tabs.