Cell Analogy Project
analogy –
Cell Analogy Project analogy - a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based. EX: The heart is like a pump because a pump pumps water, and the heart pumps blood throughout the body.
You will use the information in the chart that you just completed to make a booklet comparing how the parts of a cell are analogous (an analogy) to a school. Be creative! Feel free to use your own colored pencils, pens, markers, etc.
NAME OF CELL PART OR ORGANELLE (EX: NUCLEUS) NUCLEUS Write a complete sentence explaining IN YOUR OWN WORDS the function of the organelle. EX: The nucleus is the “control center” of the cell, directing all the activities of the cell. ANALOGY OF THE SCHOOL Write a complete sentence explaining IN YOUR OWN WORDS the analogy of the cell part or organelle. EX: The nucleus is like the office at Indian Woods, since it is the “control center” of the school, the place where all the activities of the school are planned and organized.