Three-ring notebook--bring this everyday; A set of colored pencils--leave these in your locker until needed; The Social Studies textbook will be available online. Textbook class sets will be used in the classroom; Students are required to bring two pencils and two pens (blue or black ink) to class each day. No materials will be available on loan from the teacher. Bells A-1 and A-2 ~ please bring in a box of tissues for the class Bells B-1 and B-2 ~ please bring in hand sanitizer for the class
My classroom follows the five basic rules: 1)Follow directions. 2)Be on time. 3)Be prepared to work. 4)Respect other students. 5) Participate in classroom activities. Students are expected to follow the rules while in class. This includes respecting other students at all times.
Detentions are served before school or during lunch, depending on the seriousness of the problem. Any student who seriously breaks a school rule in class will be immediately referred to the office;
Gum, candy, food, or drink is NOT allowed at any time. Cell phones should not be brought into the classroom at any time. They are to be left in the student lockers.
The purpose of the eighth grade year is to prepare students for high school. This means they will need to keep up with their reading and studying on a nightly basis. Students are expected to review and study their notes and readings every night, even if no written homework has been assigned; Tests are not given on any particular schedule, but the class will probably have a test every two to three weeks. Quizzes will be given nearly every day;
All assignments and class information will be kept on my Wiki at this address