Using the Interactive Whiteboards to Focus on the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core Mark Jamison, Ed.D. Director, Technology Integration Services Pearson School Achievement Services December, 2011
Big Ideas ·The mathematical practices of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) are multidimensional behaviors that should be utilized daily in lessons. ·The interactive whiteboard serves as a unique tool to enhance the development of the mathematical practices in a teacher's 21 st century classroom. ·Classroom instruction must reflect teacher modeling of the character and expertise inherent to the discipline of mathematics.
Outcomes ·Engage in thoughtful discourse related to the mathematical practices. ·Explore online resources and interactive applets. ·Identify product-specific tools and resources available for enhancing mathematics instruction around practices using the interactive whiteboard. ·Build presentations that illustrate an understanding of the mathematical practices. ·Share and discuss lessons, concepts, and examples in an online environment. # 5
Mathematical Practices ·Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them ·Reason abstractly and quantitatively ·Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others ·Model with mathematics ·Use appropriate tools strategically ·Attend to precision ·Look for and make use of structure ·Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning # 5
Number to Start with the number 1, and take turns counting to You can say either 1 or 2 consecutive numbers. (no skipping numbers) 3. The winner is the person that ends on the number 20.
Verbal Descriptions (spoken or written) Tables Algebraic formulas/ symbolic representations Graphs Pictures and/or concrete models K–6K–6 7–12 Multiple Representations (Van de Walle, Karp, and Bay-Williams 2010, 27) Understanding Mathematical Thinking # 11
Changes Over Time Situation 1: The number of wolves in Yellowstone National Park from 1872 (when the park was established) to today Situation 2: A child’s internal body temperature from the time before she contracted the flu, through her illness, to the time when she was well again Situation 3: The amount of time your sister spent on her cell phone, beginning with the time before she met her boyfriend, through the time of their relationship, to the time when thy broke up Situation 4: The speed of a taxicab as it makes its way through the traffic in Manhattan (Schwartz 2008, ) # 12
How many different ways can you find to count the border tiles of an 8 x 8 pool without counting them one at a time? Pool Border (Van de Walle, Karp, and Bay-Williams 2010, 257) Outcomes # 13
Pool Border T-Chart Name Plan # 13
Pool Border Figure Number Number of Border Tiles Complete the Table 8 Figure 1 # 16
Pool Border Work Mat # 16
Figure Number Number of Border Tiles Pool Border # 16
Thank you! Mark Jamison, Ed.D. Director, Technology Integration Services Pearson School Achievement Services December, 2011 Using the Interactive Whiteboards to Focus on the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core
References Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S., and Bay-Williams, J. M Elementary and Middle School Mathematics, Teaching Developmentally. 7th ed. Pearson Education, Inc. Common Core State Standards Initiative “The Standards: Mathematics.” Accessed October 20, Schwartz, James E Elementary Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Powerful Ideas for Teachers. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.