Riverwood Elementary Annual Title I Parent Meeting August 15, 2013 at 5:30pm August 16, 2013 at 9:15am Rita White, Principal Sonya Porter, Assistant Principal Kirstin Davenport, Assistant Principal LaShinda Hughes, PLC Coach Wendee Beller, Optional Curriculum Coordinator
Topics Notice of Title I School Status Family Engagement Policies Reporting Pupil Progress Parent-Teacher Conferences Parental Involvement Requirements Availability of Parent Training and Meetings District/School Progress School Improvement Plan Teacher Qualification Parent’s Right to Know School / Parent Compact Student Code of Conduct
Did you know? Riverwood Elementary is a federally funded school-wide Title I school. Title I is a part of the No Child Left Behind Law. Title I requires that schools create a positive and supportive learning environment that results in high levels of achievement for all students.
Family Engagement Plan To partner with families in an effort to provide Riverwood students with a home/school/community environment that helps children achieve academic excellence. –Riverwood Elementary Handbook –Riverwood Website –Reviewed and revised yearly –Given to families at registration
Parental Involvement Requirements School/Family Compact Jointly developed with parents to promote positive and productive working relationships –Included in Student Handbook –Available on Riverwood Website –Received at registration yearly –Signed by parents
Reporting Pupil Progress Friday: Family Communication Folder Weekly Process Skills Reports Deficiency Notification Report Cards/Reports To Families Notes Home/ /Text/Phone
Parent Teacher Conferences September 19, 2013 (3-6 pm) February 13, 2014 (3-6 pm) As requested by parent or teacher
Availability of Parent Training Riverwood Parent Training Parents GED Information Meeting – Aug. 15 6:00 RC for Parents – Aug. 20 and 27 from 6-7pm Common Core Math for Parents – Oct. 22 from 6-7pm Common Core Reading for Parents–Nov. 12 from 6-7pm Parent Data Training – Jan. 14 from 6-7pm Title I Parent Center Adult Basic Education Families First GED Computerized Education and many more Flyers on Various Seminars Posted on Website
Availability of District Parent Training Parent Assemblies are held monthly; Dates are available in your District Calendar, Monthly Calendar, Handout For more information contact: The Division of Parent & Community Engagement
District/School Progress Riverwood is a Level 5 school according to TVAAS data Riverwood has the second highest rate of level 5 teachers in the district Riverwood Elementary has met all of the requirements under “No Child Left Behind” and has been awarded a status of a “School in Good Standing”
School Improvement Plan Analysis from data sources Development of an action plan in order to address and meet the needs of our students, families, and teachers Creation of a Professional Development Plan for teachers and parents Plan submitted yearly
Parents Right to Know Parents Right to Know All parents have the right to request the following: –A teacher’s professional qualifications, which includes: state qualifications, licensure, grade/s certification, waivers –A teacher’s baccalaureate and /or graduate degree, fields of endorsement, previous teaching experience –A paraprofessional’s qualifications –An assurance that their child’s name, address, and telephone listing not be released to military recruiters All parents will receive information on the following: –Their child’s level of achievement in each of the state academic assessments –Their option to request a transfer to another school within the district if their child is the victim of a violent crime at school –Their right to timely notification that their child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who is not highly qualified
Student Code of Conduct SCS Chart informing parents & students of expectations for a safe and orderly school environment, without disruptions to the learning process The range of possible disciplinary options when a student engages in a particular behavior or action Behavior Orientation meetings for each grade