GPS Implementation: Examples and Challenges Dr. Ahmed Al-Hazmi Manager, Environmental Affairs 25 September 2012
No. 1 Global Product Strategy GPS is designed to improve the global chemical industry’s product stewardship performance by recommending measures to be taken by companies, working together with their chemical associations, and in cooperation with activities of other companies and associations along the chemical value chain. 1 The centerpiece of GPS is the enhancement and expansion of product stewardship best practices within the industry and throughout the value chain. The ultimate purpose of GPS is to increase public and stakeholder awareness of, and confidence in, the safe management of chemicals throughout their lifecycle by demonstrably increasing chemical industry performance and transparency.
No. 2 Components of the Global Product Strategy Guidelines for product stewardship, including ways to make relevant product stewardship information more transparent. A tiered process for completing risk characterization and risk management actions for chemicals in commerce. Product stewardship performance with a special focus on working directly with downstream customers of the chemical industry. Exploration of a potential partnership with an intergovernmental organization to enhance global product stewardship. 2
No. 3 APPROACHES TO CHEMICAL PRODUCTS COMPLIANCE Chemicals Management Compliance REACH Other legislations Industry standards Global Product Strategy 3 REACH: Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals SAICM: Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management
No. 4 FUNDAMENTALS Predict effects on people & environment Tox/Ecotox & Exposure Data Highly technical Source: Stewardship Solutions 4
No. 5 Global Product Strategy – Contribution to SAICM Source: ICCA 5
No. 6 Globally consistent approach that accommodates national, historical, cultural and regulatory differences Voluntary initiatives Responsible Care ICCA HPV Base Set of Information OECD / SIDS LRI etc. Regulatory initiatives EU REACH US TSCA Canadian DSL Japan CSR GHS etc. Cooperation UNEP UNIDO OECD NGOs ICCA internal etc. GPS – Leverage and Build Upon Existing Work Source: ICCA 6
No. 7 Discussed in 1992 during the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro It is an international framework on sound chemicals management Adopted at the International Conference on Chemical Management in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in February 2006 One of SAICM’s key goals is to ensure that existing chemical and waste disposal-related treaties are all ratified and become subject to implementing legislation in the various nations SAICM 7
No. 8 Expanding & accelerating international assessment of chemical risks Harmonization of classification & labeling of chemicals Information exchange on toxic chemicals & chemical risks Strengthening of national capabilities & capacities for management of chemicals Prevention of illegal international traffic in toxic & dangerous products Goals of SAICM 8
No. 9 SABIC APPROACH Chemical Management Committee Marketing & Sales Technical Service EHS / Regulatory ManufacturingRegulatorsSuppliersTransportationLogisticsCustomers 9
No. 10