Slide no 1 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, Impact of e-ressources on ILL in a corporate library Novo Nordisk Library & InformationCentre
Slide no 2 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, Our users Novo Nordisk A/S FTE’s worldwide – 78 countries) key areas: diabetes, haematology, growth hormone, hormone replacement treatment Novozymes A/S 4000 FTE’s worldwide countries key products: industrial enzymes, microorganisms, (pharma) A couple of minor companies: NNIT and NNE We service employees no matter where they stay
Slide no 3 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, User groups Research and development Sales and marketing Production Administration
Slide no 4 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, Briefly about us Novo Nordisk Library & Information Centre Library staff: 30 employees (25 FTE’s) ILL staff: 5 employees (appr. 2 ½ FTE’s)
Slide no 5 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, Delivery time Our Key Performance Indicator (KPI): 90% delivered within 5 days Survey 2004 average delivery time from own collections: 0,89 days average delivery time from Danish Research libraries: 5,75 days (except Danish National Library of Medicine 2-3 days) Survey 2002 average delivery time from own collections: 3,28
Slide no 6 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, Some statistics 2004: From internal sources: requests + linking=users’ downloads: : ILL’s: requests 1994: From internal sources: requests 1994: ILL’s: requests Same trend for first half year 2005 as for 2004
Slide no 7 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, Requested material Journal articles (98%) Many urgent requests 3 hours delivery 24 hours delivery Books and other (2%) newer books are often bought (print or online) instead of ILL’s
Slide no 8 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, How have we improved Own collections: more e-journals: licenses based on annual usage statistics SFX-linking automation of requests ILL: choice of vendors based on delivery surveys/cost and time more Pay-Per-Article checking the Internet automation of requests
Slide no 9 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, Pay-per-view statistics from Elsevier jan: 495 feb: 76 feb: 397 mar: 142 mar: 354 apr: 72 apr: 393 may: 83 may: 277 jun: 140 jun: 329 jul:110 jul: 391 aug: 121 sep:138 oct:128 nov:401 dec:265
Slide no 10 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, Why smaller decrease in ILL than in own collections Research-heavy organisation Many new journals – you cannot subscribe to all Information is key-factor to success New areas of research Growth of users –more awareness on our services
Slide no 11 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, User satisfaction measurement No general surveys but Interviews with focus groups or persons Setting individual goals for library employees and for Document Delivery
Slide no 12 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, ILL in the years to come Global Information Service 24 hours service Requests will still be decreasing (slowly or fast) More difficult requests (Chinese journals!) Faster delivery – PDF-files: COPYRIGHT-problems to be solved!!! Analyse usage statistics Support to users Our expertise can be used in other areas in the library: searching information for example.
Slide no 13 9th ILDS Conference Thursday 22 September Helle Kasarab, Thank you for listening! Questions?