Febé Meyer Dr. Sanushka Naidoo Prof. Zander Myburg Dr. Noelani van den Berg
Eucalyptus + Phytophthora Phytophthora destructive genus of hemi-biotrophs Cold-tolerant eucalypts: susceptible Root and collar rot, die-back Jolanda Roux
P. cinnamomi, 1922 Google earth ©2009 t2.gstatic.com
E. nitens + P. cinnamomi InfectedControl 1 cm Compatible system: 1.Different stages of interaction 2.Snapshot of successful infection 3.Attempted defence by host Compatible system: 1.Different stages of interaction 2.Snapshot of successful infection 3.Attempted defence by host
Aim: To profile attempted defence mechanisms in E. nitens against P. cinnamomi Aim: To profile attempted defence mechanisms in E. nitens against P. cinnamomi
RNA quality Control Inoculated S 18S
Sample name Total reads Mapped (%) Expressed genes Average FPKM Control Control Control Inoculated Inoculated Inoculated Mapping results
Differentially expressed
regulation of DNA- dependant transcripti on in response to stress detoxificati on of nitrogen compound defence response to bacterium, incompatib le interaction response to toxic substanc e defence response by callose depositio n phosphorel ay signal transductio n system plant-type cell wall loosening plant- type cell wall modif icatio n Syncytiu m formatio n heter ocycle metab olism monosacc haride biosynthes is alcohol biosynthesi s sulfur amino acid metabolism Overrepresentation: up-regulated Reactive oxygen species JA and SA signalling Flavonoid biosynthesis Water deprivation
Overrepresentation: down-regulated Photosynthesis Secondary cell wall Auxin & giberellin Lignin biosynthesis
PR-5Eucgr.D01888 Eucgr.E01381 Eucgr.E01382 Eucgr.E01384 Eucgr.E01389 Eucgr.E01385 Eucgr.D01887 Eucgr.D01892 Eucgr.E00557 Eucgr.E00560 Eucgr.H03863 Eucgr.H03864 Eucgr.H03865 Eucgr.L01962 Eucgr.B00944 Eucgr.G01772 Eucgr.H04405 Eucgr.J02061 PR-1 PR-3 PR-5 Up Down PR-1BEucgr.D01560 Eucgr.D01552 Eucgr.I02509 Eucgr.G01140 Eucgr.G01134 Eucgr.G01148 PR-1AEucgr.G01137 Eucgr.L01707 Eucgr.G01171 Eucgr.L02505 PR-1 likeEucgr.C02418 Eucgr.D01550 Eucgr.D01554 PR-3 Eucgr.I01495 Eucgr.I02271 Eucgr.J02519 Eucgr.L00938 Eucgr.L00937 Eucgr.J02518 Eucgr.L00941 Eucgr.L00939 PR-9Eucgr.A01385 Eucgr.F04198 Eucgr.I00717 Eucgr.D01857 Eucgr.F04195 Eucgr.J02352 Eucgr.L02740 Eucgr.E04056 Eucgr.F03724 Eucgr.J02173 PR-9 Papaya Soybean Potato Eucalyptus
Conclusion Growth down, defence up Attempted defence: ▫JA/ET signalling ▫PR genes ▫Flavonoids Possible manipulation/cause of susceptibility ▫Peroxidase putative ortholog ▫Lignin (avoid strengthening cell walls) ▫Flavonoids? – chalcone synthase down ▫Water stress
Future work Mapping back to P. cinnamomi to determine what pathogen genes are expressed Compare to responses in resistant/highly tolerant Eucalyptus spp.
Acknowledgements Supervisors Research groups: EPPI; FMG; MPPI; FTBP Sitha Ramsuchit
PR genes Eucalyptus ID log2 (fold change) TAIR IDTAIR description A. thaliana (Col-0) A. thaliana (Ler) PR-1 Eucgr.D AT2G Basic pathogenesis-related protein 1 Eucgr.D Eucgr.G Eucgr.G Eucgr.G Eucgr.G AT2G Pathogenesis-related gene 1++ Eucgr.G Eucgr.L Eucgr.L
PR genes Eucalyptus ID log2 (fold change) TAIR IDTAIR description Persea america na Zea mays PR-3 - Chitinase class I, II, IV, VI, VII Eucgr.L AT3G Basic chitinase++ Eucgr.J Eucgr.L Eucgr.L Eucgr.L Eucgr.I Eucgr.H AT3G Chitinase-like protein 2+ Eucgr.H AT1G Chitinase family protein (TAIR 9) Eucgr.K AT3G Homolog of carrot EP3-3 chitinase++ Eucgr.K Eucgr.H Eucgr.H Eucgr.H Eucgr.A
PR genes Eucalyptus ID log2 (fold change) TAIR IDTAIR description Persea america na Zea mays PR-5 - Thaumatin-like and osmotin Eucgr.H AT4G Osmotin 34 + Eucgr.H Eucgr.H Eucgr.L Eucgr.E Eucgr.D Eucgr.D Eucgr.D Eucgr.E Eucgr.A AT5G PR5-like receptor kinase Eucgr.A Eucgr.A Eucgr.E AT1G Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein + Eucgr.E Eucgr.E Eucgr.E Eucgr.E Eucgr.B AT1G Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein Eucgr.J AT2G Eucgr.G AT4G
PR genes Eucalyptus ID log2 (fold change) TAIR IDTAIR description Persea america na PR-9 - Peroxidase Eucgr.D AT4G Glutathione peroxidase 6 (TAIR 9) + Eucgr.F AT1G Peroxidase superfamily protein + Eucgr.F Eucgr.L Eucgr.J AT4G Peroxidase superfamily protein + Eucgr.A AT1G Eucgr.J AT5G Eucgr.F AT5G Eucgr.E AT4G