Law of reflection Watch the next 5 slides for Part IV
Reflecting Light Off Surfaces When a series of parallel incident rays strike a flat reflective surface the incidence angles are all identical angle of reflection will also be identical reflected rays Incident rays 2
If parallel incident rays were directed at an irregular surface, they will have different incidence angles. The reflected rays will be reflected in many directions. This is known as diffuse reflection Incident rays Reflected rays 3
Locating images in a Plane Mirror object mirror Image of object reflected incident 4 brain traces Virtual side Real side
LOST is used to describe images formed by mirrors. 1.L- Location: location of the image (in front or behind the mirror). 2.O- Orientation: which way the image is oriented compared to the original object (upright or inverted). 3.S- Size: compared to original object is it same size, reduced, or magnified? 4.T- Type: is the image a real image or virtual image? L.O.S.T. 5
Properties of a plane mirror image: 1.Object distance from mirror= image distance from mirror 2.Orientation is ALWAYS upright 3.Object size = Image Size 4.ALWAYS forms a virtual image 5.Image is reversed left to right (this is true for all reflections) PLANE MIRRORS 6
Acknowledgements edited by Mr. Teters from original by Dr. Ochran from nt%20Files/Laws%20of%20Reflection.ppt