Diario #35
Diario #35 Use the words on each line to form a sentence Diario #35 Use the words on each line to form a sentence. (You have to add verbs and don’t forget the Spanish Rules!!!) azul/alto/nosotros/ojos/castaño rojo/ella/pelo/delgado/avellano/ojos verde/tú/bajo/ojos/rubio moreno/ellos/ojos/café/fuerte ojos/pelirrojo/ustedes/gordo/marron
Partner/group activity In groups of 2, 3, or 4 you can do one of the following: make up a song or a rap (Spanglish). Create a visual representation (chart/picture/drawing/comic strip). Compare two famous people’s descriptions. Create a scrapbook or photo album. Write a skit or conversation.
Include the following items At least 11 adjectives from the appearance category Include ojos and pelo Use ser and tener in the correct forms Make sure all adjectives agree with the nouns Use definite and indefinite articles
Rubric Categories 5 (exceeds expectations) 4 (meets expectations) 3-1 (does not meet expecations) Content: Included all required information Above and beyond the required content Had the required content Did not meet the requirements Grammar: Verb conjugation Ser and tener All verbs conjugated correctly 1-3 errors in conjugation 4 + errors in conjugation Adjective noun agreement All adjectives and nouns agree 1-3 errors in agreement 4+ errors in agreement correct use of definite and indefinite articles All articles used correctly 1-3 errors 4+ errors Creativity/neatness Amazing Good Just not really impressive